Sunday, July 3, 2016

Just a couple things

At the suggestion of the nurse practitioner I saw last Monday I bought myself a new gadget. Since she had taken my blood pressure twice while I was there and it was falling in the pre-hypertension range, she suggested I buy either an aneroid monitor or a digital monitor and keep track of my blood pressure. She said to check it a few times a day for a couple weeks. 

After looking at the different ones available I chose the digital wrist monitor. For the first couple days it was still reading in the same range but since then has gone down to normal. I also downloaded a blood pressure tracker for my phone. After I take my blood pressure I just put the numbers into the app and then it keeps track of it all for me. That way when I go to the doctor I can show him what it's been. You can also put in additional information like when you took it, were you seated, standing or lying down, what was the weather  plus any additional notes you might want to make.

Another purchase was made a month or so ago. I found this scrapbook paper stack. It's chalkboard cardstock

There were two sheets in the stack that looked like this

When I saw this I instantly though of my wood plaques and knew this would make 6 quick and easy plaques. Since there were two sheets it really made 12 quick and easy plaques. I cut the page apart, painted the wood plaques and then glued the chalkboard art to the wood.

Tuesday I'll be back with my June craft report


Out on the prairie said...

Hope you get good results from the BP meter.

Jen said...

Get walkin' chickie - that will help your BP tremendously. Love the chalkboard paper - fun stuff! ;o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY!!!! on the found art for your plagues.. can't wait to see the finished product. love the idea of the app to keep track for the doctor.. glad the bp is dropping.

Marg said...

Glad your blood pressure is getting better. What a great way to keep track of it. Can't wait to see the plaques. Have a great Sunday.

crafty cat corner said...

You probably had white coat sydrome Anne. Mine always goes up when the doc says he's going to take it but returns tonormal when I take it at home.

Grace said...

I'm using an omron bp monitor - closest you can get to the ones used in the dr's office - automatically downloads to my ipad. Of course I'm home all day so it's easy for me to use. Are you going to enhance these pre-printed art in anyway?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't wait to see! I am glad you bought the monitor, I have both a wrist and an arm one. I ended up in the E.R. last month, and my blood pressure was up to stroke level. High blood pressure is silent, you feel well even if it is way high. So the only way you know is to measure it.

Anni said...

Can't wait to see your new plaques!!!

As for blood pressure monitors, my cardiologist told me that the wrist monitors are not too accurate like the cuff monitors. I have a digital also, but it's a cuff...they seem to be right on target with the Drs. monitors.

I've often wondered how they read blood pressure when the patients have no arms?

BeadedTail said...

Looking forward to seeing your new crafty goodies!

I got a wrist blood pressure monitor too since mine always spikes in the doctor's office. I had high blood pressure when I was in my old job but now it's normal. Another reason to get out of bad situations!

Reeni said...

My Mom has one of those too! High blood pressure runs in our family. So far mine's been good. Can't wait to see the plaques - I would of never thought of that.

Bossy Betty said...

Can't wait for the June Craft Report. Hope you have good luck with the monitor.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

I use to take my mom's BP before and the machines has gone through many updates ... hope its better. Golden Woofs, Sugar's mom

Unknown said...

I hope your BP improves!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Just like a few other comments, I have white collar hypertension so I use an at home monitor and take those numbers when I visit the doctor. I spent this morning having pre administration testing for my August 1st total hip replacement. I hear only great results from people who have had it done but it still freaks me out a little.

Great crafting project. Those quick a cute ones are the best.

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