Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bad blogger

I feel like such a bad blogger lately. I haven't been very attentive to it lately.  I have no excuse. I haven't done anything exciting or even interesting the last few days. Saturday we went to the fair for to eat and walk around a bit, Sunday I spent all day cleaning and then we lounged around in the living room

Monday I didn't do much of anything other than taking Gibbs to the Groomer. Now he's all handsome and he smells better too

Hey! Are you trying to tell me I was stinky?


Pat said...

Not a bad blogger at all - sometimes we all need a little break .. even if just to rest the fingers ;-)

bichonpawz said...

We can all relate Ann!! Gibbs face in that last pic is AWESOME!! Both of the girls are in need of a groom right now, but I have been reluctant to bring them to the groomer because of Chloe's Kennel Cough experience...Even though she is not coughing anymore...it has made me a little nervous! So, I gave LadyBug a bath last week and Chloe will get one probably tomorrow...then I will give them a trim myself. Since my groomer at home is on maternity leave, we will have to wait awhile anyway.

Happy Tuesday!

Duni said...

Always happy to see Gibbs :)
I think you blog more consistently than most, Ann!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I should take my dog to a groomer. She needs a good de-stinkifying. Normal baths just don't work for her.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

phew.. when I saw your title I thought BLOGGER was being BAD again and cutting up... there is no such thing as a bad blogger, as long as you blog your are a good blogger to me.. Gibbs looks adorable.... I think I smell something sweet

peggy said...

If you are a bad blogger, then the rest of us really stink at it. Soooo.. Gibbs made a selfie??

Out on the prairie said...

Looks better with the trim Gibbs

crafty cat corner said...

I think we get a bit fussy over blogging sometimes. As you know I didn't blog for a while but have decided to blog on just about anything that takes my fancy, the readers can decide if they want to read or not.
As far as I'm concerned you could just blog about Gibbbs all the time, that would do me.

Sandee said...

You're on vacation. You don't need to do anything that you don't want to do. Enjoy your vacation.

Gibbs is adorable and he's not stinky. Tell mom your feelings are hurt.

Have a woof woof day Gibbs. My best to your mom. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

I always have to be inspired to write a post for some reason. I just can't sit down any old time and type! Gibbs looks so cute!

Christine said...

Hi Gibbs! You are looking sooooo good!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness! Is that last photo a fish eye? Too cute! You may think you didn't do much, but for little Gibbsie this was a huge deal!

Grace said...

Gibbs always looks so smashing after a nice grooming - He is so cute!

Marie said...

that close up of Gibbs is so CUTE!!! I just want to give him a kiss! No excuses needed, you just enjoy Your time off. :) I always like just walking around the fair and getting something yummy to eat. :)
btw I went to a park with hubby and my uncle on Saturday and walked around a lake there, which was two miles. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gibbs is just adorable. I'm sure he feels better and looks better AND is less stinky!!!!!! ha ha


Connie said...

Hey, your on vacation . . . rest, relax, only do what needs to be done and for the rest of the time, HAVE FUN!

Deb said...

Oh Gibbs, you are adorable no matter how you smell! Deb xo

Reeni said...

You look very handsome Gibbs!! Good thing we can't smell you.

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