Sunday, September 25, 2016

Silly me

I know it's a bit early for Halloween decorations but my daughter was over a couple weeks ago and went through all my Halloween stuff and took what she wanted. This was left out because I wanted to keep it. I made this years ago.

My silly story for the day:

Thursday I was out shopping. I was coming out of one store and headed to my vehicle. By the way do you realize how many black SUV's there are with similar body styles? Well anyway, I was headed my my vehicle and I was looking at my phone as I was walking. I hit the unlock button on my key and opened the drivers door. WHAT? Why is my seat back so far? Did I hit the button when I was getting out? I got in and as I sat down in the seat I looked over at the cup holder. WHAT? What is that stuff in my cup holder? OMG, this is not my vehicle. I quickly got out and looked around to see where MY vehicle was. Oh, there it is. I made a mad dash to it and hopped in hoping no one had seen me.

On a side note. If you happen to hear strange screaming and crying noises today, don't be alarmed. That's just me going back to work after being on vacation for a week.


Unknown said...

I am quite sure of the cops being thoroughly entertained by your story when they come to arrest you for attempted grand theft auto. No, I don't think they will believe it, but laughter will undoubtedly abound as they drag you off to the hoosegow.

Grace said...

Oh my, that is pretty darn nifty - I like it. (And why does your "key" open someone else's car door?)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ROFL and can't stop.. I fully get this. I came out of Publix and I always park as far away as I can, I walked to my white SUV and pushed the button and it chirped but for 3 car further over... I could not tell the difference by looking at the two SUV... identical. lucky me I did not get in like you did. still ROFL... glad an angry owner did not catch you. I love the little witch decoration and so sorry you are back to work today.

Hootin Anni said...

OMGoodness...I can't understand how your key bopper thingie unlocked someone else's vehicle. Now I'm wondering how many are out there in MY area that can open MY car door. Whoa.


Don't scream too loudly please, I may be napping. I'm cranky when someone wakes me up and I'm not ready to be startled awake.

Sandee said...

I did hear you screaming. I wondered who that was and now I know. That week went by very quickly.

Bwahahahahahaha on you getting into the wrong SUV. I laughed out loud and then I linked you to Silly Sunday.

Have a fabulous first day back to work. Big hug to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Agent 54 said...

I don't have that problem with my crappy little blue Chevy Sonic.

Eugenie said...

It is a beautiful decoration, and I had to laugh at your story! I can imagine your embarrassment! I once managed to get into someone else's hotel room, there was a couple of people, thankfully they were dressed, but still shocked!

Out on the prairie said...

A color that is so popular can be tricky. I have gotten in the wrong one

Ginny Hartzler said...

We had someone do this with our car. Glad you made a fast getaway!

Connie said...

Wow! That makes you wonder how many of those key bobs will open your car. I'm so happy that you didn't get picked up for car theft and spend the rest of your vacation in jail. Do you look good in horizontal stripes?

Ida said...

Oh I feel for you as I've done the same thing myself. It's so embarrassing.

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