Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Just walk

I've become obsessed with walking. I'm getting at least five miles a day now. When I'm working most of those miles are spent walking around in the bakery but on my days off I've been slipping on my walking shoes and heading out the door.

Yesterday as I started out I asked myself why?

The answer was simple. Because I can and because it makes me feel so good. It clears my head and just makes me feel energized. I can also feel myself getting stronger. I can walk without my hip hurting any more and that is a major accomplishment.

The next question I asked myself was which way should I go.

This guy said he didn't give a hoot which way I went just so long as I moved it along and stopped staring at him.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you have so much energy! And FIVE MILES!!! You are doing great! I have trouble walking across the grocery store! Maybe I should stop less at the bakery...

Duni said...

That is great Ann! I love walking too, especially on nice sunny days :)

Hootin Anni said...

Oh yes....you betchore sweet little patootie walking is good for you!!! Or so I've been told. And I feel the same way....rejuvenated after a couple hours' walking --- you on the other hand walk while working and then walk after work....that is so great to 'hear'. You go girl.

Now...get out there and find some real birds for us. [Kidding!!!] ---You had me going there, for a minute.

Out on the prairie said...

I had thought of a post of just yard decorations

Marg said...

Walking is a great thing to do. I used to walk around my big field and loved doing it but now it is all grown up with weeds and so can't go anymore. Glad you are enjoying those walks.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic!!!! so proud of you and I do know the more I exercise the better my bones feel... is 10,000 steps 5 miles? or are you walking more than 10,000 steps... keep on walking not matter how many hoo hoots you get or which a way you go... wish I was there to walk with you. make that wish you were here to walk with me...

Grace said...

Which came first - the photos or tying them to this post? Good job! Ah, the joy of walking, how I miss it.

Small Kucing said...

am very lazy to walk. Over here the weather is very hot. Just up and down the street will have me sweating a lot

BeadedTail said...

I enjoy walking too. There's always something new to see! Glad you've been getting out and about and enjoying it!

Sandee said...

Walking is a very good thing. You're losing weight and getting stronger. The best part is you're not hurting.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Donna said...

I did .225 in 8 minutes....Hahahaaa....I know, I NEED to do better!
Congrats on all that walking!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good for you. I hope to be doing that soon once we get my lungs and heart working right!

Connie said...

I've lost my walking partner for the year (she works for the school district) I wish you lived closer :)

Christine said...

Good going, Ann! Lucky you to see the owl!

Summer said...

I do love walking too ♥ Love your beautiful photos so much ♥


Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

You'll need a new pair of walking shoes sooner than you think with all those miles you're racking up!

Keep truckin' - Katie

Lin said...

Right?! I started walking this year too...on my lunch hour..doing 2.5 miles and then walking when I got home. We do 5 miles on the weekend mornings too. We have lost weight and have built endurance and stamina.

Glad you are finding joy in this!

Reeni said...

That's pretty darn awesome & inspirational! If I walk a mile I need a nap.

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