Thursday, February 2, 2017

bus stop photography

The last  couple days after work I've been stuck behind the same bus that makes tons of stops. I've made a game of it to take a picture at each stop.

Tuesday it was blue skies in one direction and very wintery looking in the other. I liked the snow on these trees

Yesterday the sun was shining and the skies were a beautiful shade of blue. 

A bit of a glare from the window on the right there.

Now I wonder what kind of weather we'll have today when Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his home. Will he see his shadow or not?


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a huge difference!! I hear they they feed him ice-cream. Poor little guy, being pulled from his hibernation...

Jille said...

I'm always amazed at the differences in the weather. Such beautiful photos.

Duni said...

I don't like snow, but when the sun is out and there are blue skies I can just about bear it :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the snow is so pretty .. I prefer blue skies, they make me happy. some prefer the snow, I have 2 friends that do... you have a great view on the way to work...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had my post set for today but it turned out it was set for Friday. how does this happen???

Grace said...

Nice photos...

Out on the prairie said...

no snow here, some coming.Nice shots

Marie said...

that last photo is super pretty! hope it gets warmer and warmer for you. :)

Sandee said...

Six more weeks until spring. I'm so ready. So ready.

Love that last shot. Very nice.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Christine said...

Great photos with such a difference!

Ida said...

What a good idea to help pass the time behind the bus. - Lovely photos. I think the blue sky is so pretty.

Lin said...

I love how you just started taking photos instead of being grumpy about getting stuck behind the bus. Good attitude!

krishna said...

beautiful photo... Since morning it is cloudy day, hopefully groundhog haven't seen his shadow..:)

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Reeni said...

Beautiful pics! I love when the sun is shining and there's snow. :)

Deb said...

Phil saw his shadow but our Canadian rodents didn't so hopefully Spring is on it's way (although we just got 6 inches of snow so I'm thinking Phil might have been right!) Deb xo

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