Sunday, February 12, 2017

From the past

For today's post I went back through some old photos again. It's been a long time since I've had a cat and this is the last one who lived here.

His name was Pringle

He was my buddy, my pal and a real sweetheart. This picture was taken in May of 2008 and I think it was around December of that year that he got out on a very cold winter night and never came back home. I would like to think that someone took him in and he lives in the lap of luxury but I'll never know for sure.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, he is beautiful!! Our Simba got out in an ice storm once. He was gone for four days. And on the fifth day he came meowing at the door exactly at dinner time. How long did you have Pringle? I like to think he got lost, and was found by loving new owners.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet photo.

bichonpawz said...

Pringle is just a beautiful cat!! I miss my cats too. When I was diagnosed with asthma, I had to find new homes for them. I miss them a lot. I do not miss not being able to breathe!

Hootin Anni said...

First off....LOVE the bargain price in the post below this of Pringle. And isn't Pringle a doll face?!! I too hope no harm came to him on that winter's night. That he's living in luxury somewhere.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

pringle is beautiful, so sorry he got away.. Bob had a cat when we were dating, but the same thing happened, it went away. about 3 years after we were married we saw the cat sitting in a ladies window.. he yelled hey smokey and the cat new him. he was born without a tale and easy to identify so we knew he was in a happy home

Jille said...

I too hope that he has a new home and is content there. Our cat moved out and now lives across the road with neighbours. His name was Alan (the cat's not my neighbour's) and he just didn't like my husband, which is fair enough as I don't always either.

handmade by amalia said...

That is one good looking cat, Ann. I'm sorry you lost him.

Marg said...

Pringle is a very handsome boy. It is soooooo hard when they go off and don't come back so you just never know what happened to them. Hopefully he is living a very nice home.

Grace said...

A big handsome boy - so sad he went walk-about but yes think the good thought.

Sandee said...

He's a handsome one and I'm sure he just moved to some other home. I think I'll think the best too.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marie said...

Pringle is so cute! I'm sure someone took him in on that cold night and he will never forget you. :)
hope you're enjoying your weekend! our high today is suppose to be 78, it's 73 now. :)

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

My little Ruffles lived to 21 years and 4 months. Of course I miss her but I have to say I have less allergies now that she's gone.

Maybe Mr. Gibbs would like a kitty for his birthday! Have a good one, Katie

Out on the prairie said...

I like his name.

Lin said...

Ugh. Such a loss. I'd like to think somebody took him in too.

I never wrote about it, but Owen went on a walk-about last summer--the day before we went on vacation. Both of us thought the other guy was keeping an eye on him. I found him on the next was horrible. I catch a lot of grief for letting the kitties outside, so I didn't write about it...but now...we watch him VERY carefully. He just doesn't know where our property ends.

BeadedTail said...

We hope someone took him in too. He's a very handsome and has a super sweet face.

Deb said...

What a handsome boy, it's so hard when they disappear and you don't know what happened, hoping too he had a long and comfortable life ❤

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