Saturday, April 29, 2017

Deep thoughts

I have a clear acrylic picture frame at work that I used to use to display my index cards on my table. Since I haven't been making the index cards I started printing out things I find on facebook that are either funny or inspirational.  Currently this is what's on the frame.

I agreed with this statement but the more I thought about it the more thought I don't want to forget what's gone. Yes, I can choose to not dwell on past mistakes, sorrows or negative moments.  I won't forget what's gone because some of what is gone holds cherished memories.

I'm quite sure that while I store those treasures from the past I can still appreciate what remains and look forward to what is coming my way.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are absolutely right!! This is a good thing to do with the frame!

crafty cat corner said...

This post is so apt. My youngest son is such a worrier, I told him the other day to look back at the things he has worried about in the past and notice how they are all gone and were not worth worrying about.
If you do this you can see how pointless worrying is, not easy though.
I like the phrase 'Everything passes' and try to remember this when I've got problems.

Duni said...

I love that! I need to write that down :)
Happy weekend, Ann!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

This shall pass is one of my favorite quotes that I have said my whole life, the things I want to store are the bad thigs, the ones that were my fault through stupid mistakes, lest I forget how dumb I can be... this quote is good for those who can't let go of the past, they let it consume them.. I agree though that we should not forget the past completely.. great post

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to display quotes etc. I agree with you that we can't dwell on mistakes etc from the past, but our perseverance thru the hard times makes us what we are today.

Out on the prairie said...

An excellent find

handmade by amalia said...

I love deep thoughts, Ann, especially before breakfast. And this is a good one.

Grace said...

"Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." many variations of this by many people. And even if you do remember the past you still might repeat it. So yeah, this is a superficial little saying without much meaning. I suppose one can interpret it in many ways but it just makes me gag.

Sandee said...

All the bad things that have happened to each of us makes us what we are today. We either except those bad things and move forward, or we let them eat us alive and turn into a hateful person. You've not done that. You're a kind and loving individual.

Have a fabulous day off. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marie said...

this makes me miss my inspiration wall that I had back in Orlando. I'll have another when we buy a house. :)
My mom needs to read this everyday. I agree with you completely. :)

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. :)

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