Friday, April 28, 2017

Say what again.

That's right. Someone can't get her act together and take care of her blog so I have to do it again.

This is my "where are my treats" face. Do you think I should put a little more in to it or is this enough to get my point across?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it would be enough for ME. But since I love seeing you, I think you should try again tomorrow night! You got this blogging thing DOWN!

crafty cat corner said...

That's a very wise little face with exactly the right expression to get what you want, any more and you would look mean. Hope it worked.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Treats are a very good thing. Every dog should have lots. You deserve to always have a few treats on hand. I always keep plenty around for my dog Isabella.

Anonymous said...

Oh how funny! I think you have the look perfected.
Happy Weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww, you'd get EXTRA Treats from me with that look! Every time.

By the way, tell your mom that I like the turquoise challenge and the Mother's Day flowers. It's been a few days since I've visited.

Happy Friday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Looks like enough to me... did it work? did she give you treats? did she talk sweet baby talk to you while giving you the treats? if not you know what to do

Out on the prairie said...

more a look of I can get into things to me

BeadedTail said...

We'd give your lots of treats for that face Gibbs! You are adorable!

Sandee said...

You had better get lots of treats. Lots of treats. Your mom if off tomorrow so maybe she'll get a post done and you can rest. And eat treats.

Have a woof woof day, Gibbs. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

Marie said...

Oh I would totally give you treats! I can see your right ear is tucked goes perfectly with your thoughts. :) You're a wonderful assistant to your Mom. :)
This reminds me that we have to buy toy bones and treats for our pups this weekend. :)
happy Friday!!

Connie said...

Gibbs, if she doesn't get the point . . . whine a little, that always works :) That's what Butchy does, LOL.

Reeni said...

Aww what a great picture! You're so handsome Gibbs! I vote for lots more treats! :)

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