Monday, June 26, 2017

My excuse

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm no gardener. I don't have a green thumb. The only thing I can grow really well is weeds. So if I were to need an excuse for why I do not pull the weeds that grow in abundance throughout my yard it would be so that I can take pictures of them.

And then if I were to need an excuse for why I didn't pull the weeds after I took a picture of them it would be because I was busy doing an edit on the picture.

After that I'm pretty sure I'm out of excuses. And yet, the weeds remain.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your edit is gorgeous!! I think thistles are so pretty when in bloom! I love taking pictures of them, but have not found any yet this year.

crafty cat corner said...

I think someone once said that there were not any weed, just flowers growing in the wrong place. Some so called weeds are really pretty when you get up close to them as your shot shows.
Power to the weeds I say, lol

Duni said...

I leave the gardening to my hubby who truly has a green thumb :)

bichonpawz said...

All gardening here is done by my husband because I cannot grow anything!! Actually, Ann, I would leave the weeds too if they looked like that!

Your editing is fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

I love the edit. That would make beautiful stationery paper!

Grace said...

Those are very pretty weeds. Someone said they are thistles? Thistles aren't weeds they are beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love both and I wish I had pretty weeds like that, of course my blogger friends might not want me to have them because I tend to take dozens of pics of pretty things.

Out on the prairie said...

A nice bull thistle, lots blooming here

Katie Sews said...

A weed is a weed is a weed ... but in this case I believe it's a thistle plant. You have such a creative eye to take something as simple as this thistle plant and using photo software make it a beautiful piece of art.

Have a great week ahead.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love wild flowers and I love your edit!

Sandee said...

Weeds aren't weeds if you love them. They are whatever you want them to be. I love the edit.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

That's a really tall weed! It's been growing for quite a while! :) We have lots of weeds up in the back part of the yard. The rainy winter made everything explode and we can't keep up!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So many people (NOT ME) love WEEDS (or some call them wildflowers)..... I try to keep them OUT of my yard --but they usually WIN the battle. ha


Hootin Anni said...

That thistle edit is really pretty...antiquiey [I know there is no such word, but it fits]

PS...Love the portrait of Gibbs in the post below too.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I have lots of weeds like that too. Right now I'm just trying to keep the ones right up against the house cut short.

Pam said...

I have luck with things outside but the inside during the winter.....not so much. I walk past my plants in the house and I hear them yelling, "WATER, WATER.....

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