Monday, June 5, 2017

What a hoot

Sunday was a lazy kind of day. We had some rain. It didn't rain all day but it was just the kind of day that was good for hanging around the house doing whatever makes you happy. And so that's what I did. I played on the computer, in my craft room, with my camera and did nothing that could be considered necessary.

I took a picture of a wood cutout of an owl up against my window screen

That alone looked kind of cool but you know me. I couldn't leave it alone.

This is the last day for having fun and tomorrow I have to go back to work. Four days goes by way too fast


Ginny Hartzler said...

You made the owl gorgeous! It is now a stained glass owl. Amazing.

bichonpawz said...

Great job on the owl! You are right...four days goes by SO fast!

Retirement isn't that far away...right?

Duni said...

I love crafty days! What fun edits you made on the owl :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

You did pretty good. It looks like stained glass.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't believe your four days are over. OH NOOO. the owl is adorable all by itself and in front of the screen is really cute, the edit is really cool, love the colors. HOOTart at its best. love it and your day sounds like most of my days. it is raining now... woo hoo

Sandee said...

Days off always go by faster than the days you work. It's just not right. I'm glad you had a great long weekend.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

Time flies when you are having fun. Sticking around this week to babysit

Pam said...

We did not get rain yesterday till around 8. I was in the living room with the TV on and I never heard a thing till I walked in the kitchen and the rain was hitting the tin roof on the deck....It was POURING. Flash flood warnings for all around last night. Loving the owl! HAHA....I will take my camera sometimes and just shoot off the wall stuff for fun.

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet! Of course you know anything about owls is right up my alley. Lovin' this Ann.
Sorry I haven't visited lately...sporadic power outages so I figured I best catch up using my phone.

BeadedTail said...

I don't know what you did to that owl but it turned out pretty cool! Enjoy your last day off!

Grace said...

That turned out well...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

i love what you did with the owl... He's much prettier now!!!!!!!

Hope you had a great 4 days off.... I know how fast days off GO BY...... MUCH TOO FAST...


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