Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas in heaven

This year I set up one special chair so that all my family members who are spending Christmas in heaven can stop by and sit a while.
There's all kinds of crafts that I have seen with the chair and a poem  that goes along with it. I just used the chair. Here is the poem

Christmas in heaven
what do they do?
They come down to earth
to spend it with you.
So save them a seat
just one empty chair
You may not see them
but they will be there.

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen my post about having a hard time this year. This is not the first year to spend Christmas without Wade or my parents or my brother, but it's hitting me big time this year. My entire family is now gone and I'm all alone. I don't think I have ever felt so isolated and alone as I do this year. I thank God for the people I work with because they keep me going. I'm also so grateful for my blogging friends. Those of you who stop by here and leave me comments or send me emails are a lifeline to me. I cherish each and every one of you. And just maybe, that little chair will bring some comfort this holiday season. It sits on my tv stand and each night I can imagine who just might be spending a little time with me. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, I am so very sorry! I have been struggling with anxiety myself, but nothing like you. It must be so hard to live alone. You are so strong and have carried on so well, I really admire you. I think Icould never do it, you are an inspiration. I hope you will start feeling better soon.

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm so sorry you're having an extra hard time this year, sweet friend. Being alone on Christmas seems to be all the harder this year because of the virus. It's *forcing* us to be alone, whether our life circumstances dictate it or not. Our friends are the "family" we choose and I'm so grateful you have your work family and also us, your blogging family. We'll all make it through this holiday season... perhaps a little worse for the wear but we'll make it. You just keep your eyes on that beautiful Manger scene you have set up and also that sweet little chair. Everyone & everything you've ever loved will stop by *frequently* this holiday season, to see you. You'll feel it when they arrive!! Love you~ Andrea xoxo

Ella said...

Oh dear, I am so sorry, it's the tough time of the year, but ... thanks for the idea ...
I'll set up a corner for all my loved ones who have passed away too!
Thank you so much!

Hootin Anni said...

To sit here near Bud right now, I can feel your loss and empathize your lonliness!! That poem brought tears to my eyes after seeing your empty chair all decorated for your guests. Then, to picture you imagining someone near you dropping by for a visit made me bawl. Know we all hold you close, and love you for you!! As the song have a friend in me!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My first thought was how did she make that tree so big? then I realized it is the small tree and a tiny chair. I love it. It is beautiful to look at and i hope it will comfort you through these lonely holidays.. you need a tiny pillow on the chair for the comfort of your angel pets..the poem is really beautiful. I love you and am so glad we connected so many years ago.... blog land comments and emails and looking at posts keeps me happy and sane.

Rose said...

I am so glad you posted this here because I had not seen the FB post. Oh. Ann, I am sorry you are feeling this way. I am so glad to have met you...yours is one of the very first blogs i check every morn. I do love the poem, and love you.

Martha said...

I'm so sorry you are having an extra hard time this year. It is so hard when are loved ones are no longer with us. I really love the poem and your pretty little chair. I think I'm going to do that too. I hope it brings you comfort through the season. Big hugs to you!

Grace said...

What a lovely thought...

Kate said...

Hugs to you Ann! It's not been easy this Christmas so know that you're not alone. I love the idea of the chair and I'd never read this poem - thank you so very much for sharing. Hope returns with the light today. ♥

Lin said...

Aw, shoot, Ann. I'm sorry to hear you are sad this year. Hey...want to do a zoom call sometime this week? I just had one with some other blog friends and it was so much fun! When I am blue, I find that reaching out to a friend really helps feel less alone in this mess.

In the meantime, sending some love your way!

Sandee said...

I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time this year. Know that I think of you often and I love you.

Have a fabulous day off, my friend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

That chair is an awesome I'm keeping this idea! I'm sorry your feeling so lonely. This year has been rough for everyone but especially people like you that have lost someone so close. I hope you get to spend some time with your kids and that adorable little granddaughter this Christmas.

Forsythia said...

I was very touched by the picture of your chair. So sorry that you're feeling so lonely, but I believe you are surrounded by a cloud of love.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this...I think the chair is a brilliant idea. How do I get to your Facebook page? I seldom use Facebook, but I do want to keep in touch with you as much as possible. You've touched my heart.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

2020 has is nearly done, although I guess at least to start with, 2021 will probably more of the same - the idea of the chair for those who could just drop in from the hereafter is a nice idea. Happy Holidays to you...

NanaDiana said...

I love the chair poem, Ann. It is a hard year for so many. My whole family on my side is gone now and with Covid my kids are all isolated. Hubby is not well so he is disconnected most of the time, too.
God bless you as you go through these Holidays. You are in my prayers. xo Diana

Duke said...

This is just beautiful♥ Hugs to you, Miss Ann♥

photowannabe said...

I'm just adding my (((hugs))) to all the others that have commented.
Where would we be if it wasn't for our Blogging Friends?
The little chair and poem are such comforting thoughts. I really like the visual comfort of the chair.
I am here for you too.

ZOOLATRY said...

From one more who finds herself alone for the first time, and understands, thank you for the thoughtful poem, across the distance I shall hold a quiet thought of you.

Vicki said...

Merry Christmas from Texas! I have never seen your blog before so I don't know your stories, however, I will add you to my prayer list. I hope you find some comfort in all your friends out here in the universe sending you love and kind wishes.

My Tata's Cottage said...

That poem was simply beautiful. I will be praying for you as I am very sad to hear you are now alone. Please know how loved you are with the blogging community. I find people here care so deeply for us. You are so creative and talented and I can not imagine being without those around me . But I know life is fleeting. Please take care and know you are well cared for. I can pray and I can visit virtually. Please reach out anytime you feel the need to chat. I love the friends I know through blogging. I will have you on my heart this Christmas season and always. HUGS across the miles .

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Visiting you for the first time, and am so sorry you're alone. This pandemic hasn't helped any either, with all the restrictions. You've written a beautiful post. Love the poem and the idea of setting out a little chair. Thanks for sharing. Sending you a big (((hug))) from across the miles in Purcellville, Virginia, and will be back to read more of your posts and get acquainted.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a beautiful idea. I am so sorry that they are all gone. On top of their loss this year has given us all extra sadness. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))

Laurel Wood said...

Dear Ann, I am just now catching up on blogs after a very long break. I am sorry CHristmas was so hard this year. I have not seen the poem and the little chair but what a great idea. John requires my full attention now. My older sister has lost her sight and my older brother has a mass in his stomach, i never had children so I too feel very alone and isolated. Thank you for your friendship over the years and a I pray this new year will be better. Mildred

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