Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My tree

I'm writing this post on Saturday and scheduling it for today. So as of this writing my tree is up but not yet decorated 

On another note, several of you asked yesterday how I fell. Well I was in the office and stepped up on a 6"high step stool to get something off the bulletin board. When I stepped back down the door on the cart with the printer/copier was slightly open and I bumped into it and it sort of knocked me off my balance. I was told by the person who saw me that it was a very graceful fall and sort of in slow motion.

Oh and Anni, I don't think you need to worry about me talking to Gibbs until I start believing that he's talking back to me.


The Feminine Energy said...

I hope you heal quickly from your fall, Ann!! No falls allowed with winter's snow coming! :-O And I like your tree just as it is... lights & no ornaments. Do you? I think that's what we're going to do this year... if I ever get the urge to put the tree up. As of right now the urge is absent!! ~Andrea xoxo

Connie said...

Ann, I'm so glad you're putting up a tree and getting on with the holidays. I'm hoping that this year will be better than your last year and that they will continue to get easier. Also, I am happy that you're not complaining about bruises and sore muscles, because sometimes we don't know we are hurt until a day or two later. Have fun decorating your tree.
You're blogging sister,

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your tree is beautiful!! I hope you were feeling perfect today, and no aftereffects from the fall. AND it wasn't really your fault!

Rose said...

Your tree is beautiful....

crafty cat corner said...

The tree is lovely, personally I don't like too many decs but I do like a tree.

Ella said...

I love it!
Your tree 🎄 is gorgeous!

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty, pretty tree! As for Gibbs talking back...well, it's bound to happen some day. (Kidding)

Hootin Anni said...

Dearest Gibbs...
Hello right back atcha!��

Sandi said...

Gorgeous tree!

Sorry to hear you fell. Glad you are OK!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love your tree and happy to hear no pains from the fall. that is exactly what accidents are, something we do dozens of time and one little thing changes and bang, down we go... my friend lost sight in one eye, from tripping on a curb and falling face first and her glasses went in the eyes, a simple thing can turn to a nightmare and I am so glad yours was NOT one...

Forsythia said...

Gorgeous trees with plenty of lights! Just what you need for a dark winter in northwestern Pennsylvania. Glad your fall was graceful and in slow motion and that you didn't break anything.

Sandee said...

Pretty tree. Love all the lights.

I hate falling. I've had two falls and both were in my 50s. We were taught how to fall while I was working. It's a good skill to have. Mine were in slow motion too.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Watching slow motion falls is much better than doing one! That is a lovely tree.

Jeanette said...

I like the spot your tree is in! I hope you're not too sore from your fall!

Martha said...

Your tree is beautiful! I'm glad you were at least graceful on the fall, I know I sure wouldn't be lol. Hope you aren't hurting from it today!

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! That's a gorgeous tree. And a lot of work...I tip my hat to you.

Ann said...

Andrea, I'm all better, not even any bruises. The tree still only has lights and that's the way it's going to stay

Ginny, thanks. Yep feeling fine

Briony, I usually like the decorations on it but this year I just don't feel like it

Ella thanks Now who's talking to dogs :)

Sandi thanks.

Cynthia, it's a pre-lit tree with all white lights but I like color too so I add a string of color lights to it. It is nice to look at in the evenings. Snowing here tonight

Sandee, hmm, now I'm wondering how I fell. must have been the right way since I didn't get hurt

Catscue, LOL, that's for sure

CheerfulMonk, the tree is actaully really easy to put up and it's a prelit one. I do add color lights to it though

Hootin Anni said...

...guilty as charged!

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