Sunday, July 17, 2022

Out back

 Yesterday morning when I let Gibbs out for his morning routine, I spotted a cat sitting by the dead tree that sits just outside my property line. I grabbed the camera and took some pictures. After all a visiting cat is perfect blog material.

Of course I also took a picture of the weeds growing around the tree. I think they look kind of pretty.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time in photoshop elements trying to do something creative with this picture. In the end I decided it just looked better if I left it alone.

Before giving up completely, I did go to the guided edit and played with changing the background. I think kitty looks like a giant in a miniature Chinese garden (or maybe Japanese). Either way, trying to spark my creativity was a big fail. 


betty said...

I agree. The original picture is the best of the bunch! Such a cute cat too! Did Gibbs try to chase it or did Gibbs even notice it was there?


CheerfulMonk said...

I agree the original looks best, but that doesn't mean playing was a waste of time. When that happens to me I figure it's good practice in skill development.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It sure was NOT a fail! This edited pic is so strange and funny. And you are right, a giant cat in a miniature Japanese garden, who else would have ever thought of that... Too cute!

MadSnapper said...

play time is never wasted, so says the MAD timewaster. His name could be midnight. he is Black and beautiful. Hope he returns for more photos. I am thinking Gibbs did not pay any attention to him, since Midnight was just laying there staring at you

Jeanette said...

I like the original picture! I've blogged about visiting cats before.

Hootin Anni said...

Both original & manipulated are pretty darned cool. I ❤️ cats tho.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my goodness, I never realized a picture could be manipulated like that. It's gorgeous, Ann! ~Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love what you did with the cat photo. Chinese gardens are so pretty. I do love wild flowers, they can be very pretty.

HappyK said...

You enjoyed playing around with it and that is what counts. Besides now you can say the cat is a panther. : )

DeniseinVA said...

What a great job on putting kitty into the Japanese Garden! Enjoyed your photos. Weeds are pretty, I keep reading weeds are wildflowers :)

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