Thursday, September 15, 2022

I've got nothing.

 Unless I tell you how I was in a horrible mood on Tuesday. Not enough sleep, feeling cranky about all the work I had to do and in general just being snarly. I went as far as having a little hissy fit where I told them that I either needed to take next week off or I would probably end up walking out and quitting. 

When I got home on Tuesday I hit the couch and was asleep within 10 minutes. I didn't go near the computer at all. Instead I slept off and on until bedtime.

Wednesday I was still tired, achy and only a slightly better mood. However, I do have next week off and I had 2 people helping me throughout the day. Then new boss even talked to me about covering the schedule on my double duty days so that I would have more help. 

Sometimes it pays to be a whiner. Not to mention that I don't think they want to try and find someone to replace me. I mean really anyone could do my job but not as well as I do it. 

The rest of the week is going to be hit or miss with me. I really have nothing to blog about and I'm not left with a whole lot of energy when I get home. I tried to read blogs Wednesday morning but Chrome didn't want to open for me so I'm way behind there. I think I got caught up on emails though. 

Any way, if you don't hear from me, not to worry, I'm probably asleep on the couch.


CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you for telling them you need time off. That's been true for a long time! Please take care of yourself, you have a lot of supporters who love you. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am glad you stood up for yourself! You know the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease", or something like that. They don't know how you are feeling unless you let them know. I think you are exhausted from too much work! You need a lot of peace, quiet, and rest. Don't worry about your blog friends, we will be here waiting for as long as it takes.

Hootin Anni said...

Most importantly, take it slow & easy. Unwind!! We are here when you feel up to blogging.

Rose said...

You say anyone could do your job...but I bet they would have a heck of a time finding anyone that would

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto what Rose, Ginny, Annie and Jean said, exactly what they said. Yay for time off and for the new boss knowing how worn out you are. you should squeak more about the wheel you run on. just sayin
Just had an idea, why don't you set a time/date to learn anew thing in PS Elements. I find that is fun and gives me something to do. only right now I am following Pixlr tutorials they send to me trying to make me buy the pro. tutorials are fun for me and you used to like them many moons ago

Lori said...

That's not whining, that's just letting them know you're at your breaking point and need help. Good for you!! I hope the week off refreshes your spirit.

betty said...

It was good you spoke up at work. Management needs to know if extra help is needed, etc. They certainly do not want to lose a good employee like you! Get rested up and enjoy your week off next week!! Do fun things! I hope the weather is nice for it too!


The Feminine Energy said...

Isn't it a shame that we have to have a hissy fit before people listen to us?! I'm glad you had your "fit", Ann, and that it resulted in what you needed. Yes, they would be up a creek without a paddle if you left!

You and I are two peas in a pod as far as sleep goes...and lots of others things, actually. I slept 90 minutes last night & not much more than that for the 4 nights previous. UGH! And with the chilly weather my bones & joints are screaming at me. Ain't this life just grand??!!

I'll hang in there if you will, my buddy! ~Andrea XOXOXO

DeniseinVA said...

Good on you for whining Ann. I remember being taken for granted lots of times when I worked, and it really does pay to make your peeves known. I know they know that you are great at your job and probably wouldn't get anyone as good as you to fill your shoes. I'm glad they are paying attention. Enjoy your time off and don't worry about trying to catch up on blogging. You need a stress-free vacation. Aunty's leaving now and shutting up, LOL! Have a great vacation!

Grace said...

You're not a whiner - just (finally) standing up for yourself! Good job!

Sandee said...

Sometimes you need to tell them like you see them. I'm glad you have next week off. One more day and it's vacation time.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

crafty cat corner said...

Everyone I talk to seems to be dog tired. What's going on I wonder?
Hope you pick up soon Anne.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sending you ((HUGS))
We are not going anywhere. You take care of yourself.

HappyK said...

Sounds like you were being taken for granted.
Enjoy your time off next week.

Jeanette said...

You know the old saying "The squeaky wheel gets the grease!" applies here. You aren't wining your squeaking! You deserve the rest because you work hard! Enjoy your time off!!

HWIT BLOGG said...

Take care and stay calm...
Love, Titti

Pam said...

I can take the best naps on the couch. Sorry you are having a rough time. Things tend to get the better of us and we have to shut down from time to time. Take care.

Sandy said...

Yikes. Sounds like you need a restful vacation. Hope you get rested up with your week off, and glad to hear they have additional help for you when you return. Pour yourself a nice glass of wine and prop your feet up....sounds like you deserve it.
Sandy's Space

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