Thursday, September 22, 2022

Oops, I did it again

 I missed yet another day of posting. That's what happens when you have absolutely nothing going on in your life. As I sit her now, trying to think of what to say, I'm drawing a blank. 

It's not very interesting to write, "why yes, I spent the day laying around watching tv and playing on the computer." The only conversation I had was with the dog. I'm feeling better but have zilch for motivation. I'm incredibly bored but don't want to do anything.

I have to say that I pretty much feel like this slug except I don't look quite so cute. I don't have a banana to lounge on either.

image courtesy of Clip Art-Library


CheerfulMonk said...

You're exhausted. Please pamper yourself while you're recovering.

betty said...

Just kind of listen to your body, which I am sure you are doing. If it wants rest, give it rest, and so on! Hopefully with each passing day you'll continue to feel better and start getting your energy back!


crafty cat corner said...

I know the feeling, but once you get going you will feel better. Your body knows best, take time todo what you want and don’t feel guilty. Your mojo will return.

MadSnapper said...

soooo sorrrry! your vacation is a bust. Sounds like your body is telling you to rest, and TV and napping is what you need.. mojo doesn't care for tired bodies and minds and will come back when you feel better. OR NOT! he he he

Lori said...

Sounds like your body is telling you what it needs. Enjoy the rest.

Hootin Anni said...

I honestly don't understand why it's so important to post a blog every day!! To me, there is so much more to life than a blog. Just know you're loved and we care. TAKE care, relax, enjoy, and don't fret over it.

Jeanette said...

I hate the feeling of being bored but having no ambition to do anything! Hope you get some soon!

Rose said...

It is probably best that you take it easy...I still get exhausted over the least little thing. I would love to have a day that I could and would be able to sleep as late as I wanted. The thing is, I know I would wake up when it is time for meds.

Sandee said...

Just rest. When it took me several months to recoup after I retired.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Pam said...

Some days we just need the down time ....take it from me, I do a lot of down time! HAHA....some weeks I stay in doors taking it easy, and the only conversation, like you said, is with the furs. I hear them clapping when I leave the house!! lol

HappyK said...

Sure hope you get your zing back soon.

The Feminine Energy said...

A day of watching tv & playing on the computer is sometimes *exactly* what we need, my friend. There's no rule book that says you're a "slug" if you do that! We only put those labels on ourselves. And if society *does* label us as such, what the hell. Slugs are beautiful in my book!!! :-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

DeniseinVA said...

Well, even with you saying you have nothing to say, I still enjoyed your blog post :) Even a few words is fine by me. I suspect you are catching up on your rest. Tiredness has a way of telling us it's time to do that, and the brain needs a rest too. Cute slug by the way, as slugs go :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a cute photo. I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better. You take care.

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