Thursday, January 2nd there was snow when I got up. It was no problem getting out of the driveway to get to work though. Early in the day it didn't look too bad out.
Friday morning I could have gotten out of the driveway but the forecast was calling for more snow and I didn't relish the thought of shoveling again when I got home. I made the choice to walk to work.
The walk there and the walk back home combined probably took the same amount of time it would to shovel and it was a whole lot less strenuous. When I got home I did shovel the sidewalk in front of the house but then I went in where it was nice and warm.
Saturday morning, after it had stopped snowing I went out to start to shovel. The neighbor across the street was out snow blowing but I knew he wouldn't offer to help me.
I got the majority of the driveway shoveled and was to the end that was the hardest because it was so heavy. Along came my help. A friend of my sons from high school came along and not only did the end of the driveway but he went over the rest of the driveway too. I offered to pay him but he said he didn't want anything for it.
The funny thing is, while I was out there shoveling and getting closer to the end and getting a little tired, I said "OK Wade, help me get this done". Apparently his way of helping was to send Stephen to do the plowing for me.
Wow. And I must say it seems like you have some rather unkind neighbors!!
Oh that’s lovely, and thank goodness for your son’s friend. Very kind of him and sweet thought of Wade. As for your neighborhood across the street who saw you and continued with his snow blowing, tsk!!! Shaking fist dramatically at that one.
oh wow, what a difference from leaving home to coming home. OUCH! is my thought and thank you Wade for sending Stephen. so glad he helped you out. I only lived in an apartment for 2 years after my divorce, and it sure was nice not being responsible for anything but rent. I have had bob for 40 years but now do not and am glad we are not in snow country.
I don't know how you do it with all of the snow that you get. What a crappy neighbor to not take 30 minutes to help you out. I'm glad your sons friend came along to do it. I love the picture with your shadow in it walking to work.
It truly floors me that a man with a blower would not offer to help you. Not that he had to do the entire area, but just to help you remove some of the snow. WOW! There are a lot of good young people and I admire this young man that came and helped you. He is what I would call a good man. I can't imagine having to shovel snow, but we do what we have to do...I pray that your neighbor guy finds some tenderness in his heart to help others.
Ann OMDs I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine how daunting a task it is for you in the winter. How far was your walk to/from work? As the song by Alabama says...there are angels among us~~heavenly angel Wade did send you earthly angel Stephen.
Hugs cecilia
Boo to your neighbor and so glad that Wade sent you help! Looks like a nice walk to work in spite of the snow!
I know you miss the neighbor that took care of your driveway. A shame he moved away. Good on the help though. Finally Wade is listening to you?
I'm so happy I don't live in snow country.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥
Don't they call that Gods Wink? I sure am glad that we don't get that much snow and also that I don't have to get up and go. I throw out a big pat on the back for shoveling that mess. That is not easy. My body would just as soon shut down then to allow me to do that.....hey, but then I again I never thought I could move when I did, having a UTI, stones I was not aware of and still recovering from surgery. My body was helpful then, but I am pretty sure it is saying.....NEVER AGAIN!
What a beautiful story. Shame on that man not helping. Thanks to Wayne for sending a God Wink in the form of a friend. You go girl.
How nice of your son's friend to help you with the snow.
Not a very nice neighbor.
I'd help you if you were my neighbor. :)
I'm so glad you ended up with some help. I hope you don't get too much more snow. ❤️
So good of your friends son to help...its sad that a man with a snow blower can watch a woman deal with that much snow and not offer to help
Oh my, sorry about the snow. That is so much work for you. I do like how Wade answered you!
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