Thursday, January 30, 2025

Random thoughts.

 First I've got the last ever of the work doodles. 

There was actually one more paper after that but on that Sunday I was cashing and it ended up kind of being our last day. We were closed the next two days and then he did the liquidation sale from Wednesday through Saturday. Three of us went in to bake what was left in the bakery and clean up anything in the deli.

It was either Thursday or Friday I got on the computer to file for unemployment. Oh my word was that frustrating. It was so confusing and I ended up having a bit of a meltdown. I finally got it all figured out (I think). Sunday I had to go back in to file the first weeks claim and I'm pretty sure I got that right. On Monday I got a letter from my bank saying that it had been set up for direct deposit so at least I got that part right. 

Monday I also went in search of health insurance. I got a bit discouraged when search results came up with the cheapest being almost $600 a month. I think I'm going to have to call someone and see what they can figure out for me. 

Finally, I knew that I would eventually get seriously bored with being home all day long. I wasn't prepared for how quickly that would happen. Monday 1/27 I was about going out of my mind with boredom. I thought I would work on getting some decluttering done but couldn't get myself going on it. Instead I sat around doing a whole lot of nothing. I read and took a nap. I told myself that I would NOT turn the tv on until later in the day. I'm not about to have the tv running all day long. There has got to be better things that I can do with my day.

And that just about does it for the random thoughts going through my head right now.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are doing good if you figured out all the unemployment by yourself. Between the two of us, we pay over $600.00 a month for health insurance. I know there are some websites that compare all the different ones for you.

jabblog said...

You're adjusting pretty quickly, I'd say.

Lori said...

This was a huge change for you, give yourself time and grace. I'm glad you got the unemployment figured out. Insurance is the biggest thing I worry about because it's so confusing and so expensive. Have you checked (type in your state) health insurance. org? I've heard from a few people they have affordable plans.

DeniseinVA said...

I was hoping you would have more time before facing all of this, but sounds like you did great starting the process of getting organized. Health Insurance is always worrying. Hope you find one soon.

Jeanette said...

Its an adjustment for sure. If the weather was nicer and you could get outside that would help! You're smart not to turn on the TV.

Shug said...

Health insurance is crazy costly! I have friends who only work to pay for health insurance because that can't afford not to have it. I am home all day long by myself and I keep saying I need to find a part time job or volunteer somewhere. So far, after 20 years, I have done neither. lol. Hope you do find a reasonable insurance that both is good in price and GREAT in coverage.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sounds like you figured out least the direct deposit which I guess wouldn't happen unless all was entered correctly. Oh goodness on the insurance. I send lots of prayers that is accomplished quickly. After working for 30 years it will take a while to get a routine that is productive and also some time for you.
Hugs cecilia

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG, so sorry to read that they closed. That's not fun. Though being home for me is SOOO fun. There's a billion things to do if you like to cook, bake, build, paint, draw, write, read, craft, declutter I mean the list goes on and on. Though maybe you just need some time to decompress. I dunno your situation.

PS: The air fryer lid will be fun to play with. I've got a whole list of things I wanna try.
PPS: Right now I don't have access to email so if you reply there, just know I won't see it for awhile and I'm not ignoring you. Just don't have access for awhile.

Lin said...

I think you already got some awesome advice from others, so I won't add any. It's a new schedule and will figure it out soon enough. I think we all go through it at some point. Just be easy on yourself.

Sandee said...

Keep busy is all I can tell you. That's what we did when we retired. I know you're not retired yet, but if you're not working you need to keep moving.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

photowannabe said...

Good for you figuring all of that employment stuff out. I think it takes a bit of time to begin new schedules and desires to be fulfilled. I know you will discover what makes you happiest.

Rita said...

I LOVE your dangle-doodles!!
Health insurance is a nightmare.
Take some time to shift gears. Do some more doodles.
*hugs from Fargo* :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you got the unemployment right. I can't even begin to imagine. I truly know nothing about any of our bills, etc. I would think you could get on medicare for awhile. Hopefully you will be employed again soon. I know where you are coming from. I've been trying to turn off the TV too and not watch Hallmark during the day. Hope you get everything worked out.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your way to young to be totally retired, when I was your age that is when I started volunteering at the nursing home daddy was in and when he died I just went their 3 days a week all morning and that filled my time. I also was going out weekends taking photos in park with Diane. Now at my age I am so doddering I am happy to read, blog and draw. but not then. just had a MOMENT, Linda Chapman got bored and went on a dating app and ended up Married. she was your age when she met her hubby

Chatty Crone said...

Oh, girl I feel for you. You have so much going on and so many changes and so much to do. Health insurance is EXPENSIVE!
I quit my job about 25 years ago to watch my grandson and that is when I started blogging. You are going to be alright. Keep breathing.

HappyK said...

I guess if you are so used to going out to work it will take an adjustment to being home. I have so many things to do at home that I wish the day were longer. :)

Debbie Nolan said...

Ann you must be very smart to get all that figured out on your own. I think trying to do things on line can be such a challenge. I hope you can find an insurance plan that will work out for you more reasonable. In the meantime will be keeping you in my prayers. I am sure that right now it must seem very hard not having a job and being home all the time. Because of such a change in your life am sure it is really hard to settle down to do anything serious - such as decluttering. Be good to yourself friend and do read a good book or two. Hugs!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you managed to get the unemployment insurance sorted out, and fingers crossed on the health insurance. Be easy on yourself about filling your time with meaningful things. It's a big adjustment and is bound to take time.

Rose said...

I cannot imagine having to apply on line...for me there is as always at the least one thing I dont know how to respond to.

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