Friday, February 28, 2025

Goodbye February

 Here we are at the last day of February already. We're getting closer to warmer weather so hopefully soon we can do less of this

Thursday, February 27, 2025

A gift for myself

 I happened upon a website that sells jewelry. There was a necklace that made me think of a friend of mine. I was going to buy it for her but then thought I really shouldn't spend the money. I continued to browse and found one that would make a perfect Christmas gift for someone that I buy for every year. It wasn't very expensive so I thought why not.

The website is

The item came nicely packaged and included cute little winter bird stickers and a coupon for future purchases. Since that purchase I get lots of emails from them. One day I got an email that said you could get a free pair of earrings with any purchase. I went to browse. Again I thought I shouldn't spend the money. But... I found a necklace that was on sale for $10.95 and I would get free earrings. I caved and hit buy now.

It again came nicely packaged with cute little stickers. This time spring themed ones.

These were the free earrings. 

And this was the necklace I bought.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Week 37 drawings

 Yet another week of drawings. Only 6 this time. I forgot to do one the one day.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Snow, snow and more snow.

 To say that I am sick of snow is putting it mildly.

It snowed on Saturday 2/15

It snowed on Sunday 2/16

And it snowed on Monday 2/17

But that was not the end of it. We had another lake effect snow on Thursday 2/20 and Friday 2/21

Monday, February 24, 2025

Catching up

 I schedule all my posts in advance so sometimes I get a little behind with posting things. Today I'm going back to February 14th.

As you know Presley was supposed to come over while her parents went out to dinner. I had the coffee table all set up for our little galentine celebration. I had Valentine plates for the pizza we were going to have.

There was a basket full of goodies that I bought for her.

And there was a little mailbox with a card just for her
It was disappointing but understandable that she couldn't come. There will be other times.

That day I also made myself another shirt. This one is so true. And the older I get the more I realize how much I wasn't made for winter.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Word art

 I've been on a bit of a word art kick in Procreate lately and I have several to show you today.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Procreate art

 When I draw, whether it be on paper or in the Procreate app, I usually have a picture that I've found somewhere that I want to copy. Sometimes I scroll through Pinterest looking for inspiration and sometimes I snap a picture of my computer screen if I see things online and want to save for later.

One day I found this picture and thought it looked like something I could do in Procreate

And here is my copycat version

Tomorrow I'll be back with a Procreate word art dump

Friday, February 21, 2025

That's how bored I am.

 The one night I was sitting in the cave watching tv. I had the candle warmer turned on but instead of a candle I had a little jar with a wax tart on it. 

The scent was bergamot and lemon peel. It smells so good. But what caught my eye was that it looked like it was glowing. You can't really tell from the above picture. I never really did capture what I  was actually seeing but this one is kind of close.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Getting out

 Last Wednesday I had to get out of the house. I didn't know where I was going to go but I got in the car and started driving. I ended up going to Erie and my first stop was Hobby Lobby

It's always nice to wander around and look at things in there. I was in the scrapbook paper aisle and there was an older gentleman looking at scrapbook paper. He had a dog in his cart that was wagging his tail at me as I walked past. I got to the end of the aisle and tried to get a picture of him

Unfortunately just as I was snapping the guy moved and I missed getting the dog. I did see these cute dogs in another part of the store though.

After I left there I went to Michaels and wandered around there for a bit. I saw this cute Easter bunny couple.

I didn't even bother to look at the price on them because I knew it would be way more than I would ever be willing to pay.

Next I walked around Walmart for a little while. When I came out of there it was snowing so I headed home. It was nice to get out. Being stuck at home all the time is driving me crazy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Another crafting finish

 I managed to finish another project on the 10th. I had some t-shirts that I bought a while ago and never used. I had one white one and one black one. I didn't do anything with the white one yet but I did put something on the black one. Of course it's too cold to wear short sleeves right now but this will be ready to wear when it gets warmer.

I had a lot of that color vinyl left over from when I made Presley's birthday presents and thought it would look nice on the black. I also used some gold glitter vinyl. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Just another day

 Monday January 10th, was just another day in a long string of days. Some days I manage to fill with things to keep me occupied and some days I lay around like a slug and do very little.

On this particular Monday, even though it was cold, the sun was at least shining. Gibbs decided he wanted to spend some time on the back of the couch in the living room.

While he was enjoying the view I turned the tv on and came across a very old show that I have not seen in long time.

I was trying to get the title of the show but missed it. If I had gotten a picture of the main character you would likely recognize him. This was Barnaby Jones. Does anyone remember that show. It starred Buddy Ebsen. It ran from 1973 -1980

Monday, February 17, 2025

Just stuff

 Digging through some files on my phone and computer I found a few things to share.

These first two were pictures I took of my computer screen. I do that every now and then if I see something on the computer and want to save it for later use in either a drawing or a blog post. It's easier to remember and find again if it's in my phones photo gallery.

Did you know there is a country called Georgia? I was taking the daily quiz on Bing and this was one of the questions. I obviously guessed the wrong answer.

This one I saved because when I read it, I knew that I would need this reminder.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Week 36 drawings

 Here is another weeks worth of drawings.

Two drawings with flowers, I think I might be wishing for spring.

Yesterday Liz asked if the glasses I made were washable. Yes they are but they aren't dishwasher safe. Plus the smaller pieces may tend to peal up but with proper care the design should stay on

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