Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day

 A couple of my Procreate drawings just for you

Valentine's day is about celebrating the people we appreciate and I want each and every one of you who visits here to know that I appreciate you.

I treasure all of you.

However you spend your day I hope it's a great one. Being single, isn't much fun on Valentines day but this year I actually have a date. My son and daughter in law are going out to dinner and they asked if I would watch Presley for them. Do they even need to ask?  I'm so looking forward to it and I'll try to remember to get some pictures to share.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How wonderful!!! I want to know all about it...what you both did, ate, and what kind of fun she had! I bet she is at the age now where your crafting will really interest her.

Γιάννης Πολιτόπουλος said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yay! you will both have so much fun.. I came to see if you did valentines in procreate and realized mine didn't post, checked it and there it sat on autopost for next Friday. oh wow... love that first heart and am doing it in my mind how to do it in procreate... A Valentine is any one you love, not just men... you have a date with the best of all Valentines, your granddaughter...

jabblog said...

Enjoy your special date. Seeing things through a child's eyes is special.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann best VALENTINE's ever to spend it with your precious Presley.
I can hardly wait to hear what fun you two make.
Hugs Cecilia
Happy GALentine's day...I saw that on a friend's blog...I like it great greeting for GAL PALS

DeniseinVA said...

That's wonderful and I know you're going to have a fun time with Presley. Even with that lovely card you sent, I totally forgot to do a Valentine's post today. Thanks for yours, both on my mantle and this one :)))

Lori said...

Happy Valentine's Day my friend!! How awesome that you get to spend time with Presley. Have a wonderful time!!

Chatty Crone said...

No, they never have to ask!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy your time with Presley. I know how special those moments are.

Shug said...

Thank you for the Valentines you posted. Wishing you a happy day filled with anything chocolate and tons of good vibes. Happy Heart Day

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy for you! Have a wonderful time. ❤️

HappyK said...

Happy Valentine's Day.
Enjoy your time with Presley.

Rita said...

Happy Valentine's Day!!
I know you will have lots of fun with Presley. :)

Connie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and Presley.

The Happy Whisk said...

Sounds like a wonderful time! Happy Valentine's Day. I love the art!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful and I hope you had a real nice Valentine's Day.

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