Monday, August 27, 2012

Big sigh, it's Monday again

I'm starting my day off feeling envious of all of you who don't have to go through the Monday morning blues. While some of you are leisurely starting your morning all I have is the satisfaction in knowing that, for a change, I didn't totally waste my weekend.
Duke and I started the morning outside.
I enjoyed a cup of coffee

Duke did his daily inspection of the back yard.

After all the work I did on Saturday I didn't have a whole lot of energy left but I did go out and get my hair cut. I also did a little playing with the camera which I haven't been using too much lately.

I worked on a little craft project and gave some thought to a couple others that I want to do. All in all it was a great weekend. I hope that it's followed by a very productive week ahead.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! DUKE looks tiny. Hey you got a new camera ... mom got a Sony too. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Duni said...

I think there's nothing better than starting the day with your pets (in my case Sammy & Molly)!
What a funny coincidence - I have a picture of me with my new DSLR on my blog today too :)

allotments4you said...

No Monday morning sigh for us this week as in the U.K. it's a bank holiday which means in my household we all have an extra day off...YIPPEE!!!! Enjoy your week.

Pat said...

Lovely pics and glad you had a great weekend. Fingers crossed the week follows suit! xx

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Have a great week Ann ... may the days sail by quickly.


Unknown said...

Hey, I had to wake up Arlynda on both Saturday and Sunday morning. So, I ain't had a day off yet! Oh no, don't you even start to scoff. For trying to get her out of bed is hard work--I'm a-tellin' ya!

Catherine said...

I am dealing with those Monday morning blues right now as I type. I really should be getting off the computer and getting ready for work... sigh... oh to be rich and not have to work. It would be grand. LOL!

Have a good one Ann!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy baking! sorry you are not old and decrepit like me so you can stay home and read blogs all day... love your cup

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a nice weekend.

I still haven't decided whether I like not having to go to work - work was pretty much how I defined myself - it was something productive, interesting, often challenging and sometimes actually useful to someone, somewhere. I have been at loose ends since I stopped working and yet when I think of going back to work I chafe a bit at the "have-to's" that are involved.

Remington said...

Sounds like a great weekend....hope you have a fun week also!

Donna said...

I'm glad that you had a productive weekend! I understand the Monday blues all too well! Gosh, it was just April when I quit the "temporary" job that lasted 2 years, LOL. Keep plugging along and you'll get there yet!

Anonymous said...

I still don't care for Mondays even though it's not all that different from the other days of the week. I think it's a psychological thing.

BeadedTail said...

I'm glad you had a nice weekend! Starting a Monday in the yard with Duke seems like a great way to begin the week too!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

For some reason, Mondays is always a tougher workout at the gym! Duke is so dashing!!!...:)JP

Donna said...

Sometimes I think it would be Great to just stay at home all the time and then I have to wonder how boring that it would eventually get...sigh.
Can't win!

Sandee said...

I vividly remember those Monday's. I'm so happy I don't have to do those anymore. Your day will come too.

I'm happy that you accomplished so much this weekend. It feels good when that happens.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Reeni said...

That is one mighty big cup of coffee! I'm glad you had a good weekend - have a good week too!

Rose Clearfield said...

Yay for productivity! Here's hoping for a great week ahead.

Lin said...

Ugh. Monday. :P

Chatty Crone said...

Don't you wonder what they are looking for in the yard? A certain smell I guess. sandie

Marie said...

If it's cool outside there's not a better place for a cup of coffee. Hope your week is going great Anne!

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