Monday, January 7, 2013

Common sight

Yes we've been seeing a lot of these things lately.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Mmmm didn't you wish for SNOW. Sounds crazy we miss SNOW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm not that big on snow, but as long as there is no ice or sleet, that is O.K.

bichonpawz said...

Chloe and LadyBug love to play in the snow. I, on the other hand, could completely do without it. With the exception of a dusting on Christmas Day. Then, it should stay at a very nice 72 degrees for the rest of the year!! :)

Duni said...

As you know I'm not a snow person at all. Thank goodness ours has all melted!!

Pat said...

Brrrrrr... I'm an "I can live without it!" type :lol:

Jackie said...

When we lived in Maine and before my hubby was a long haul driver I loved the snow.

That's because he did all of the shoveling. Our last year there I did all of the shoveling. We moved!

Happy day to you and Duke!:-)

Christine said...

I like snowmen but only when I stitch them from warm and natural!
Freezing conditions are just tough!
Hope you stay safe and warm!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well at least your snow plows are the color of bright sunshine while they work.. great shot and i love that quote.

Anonymous said...

I used that Carl Reiner quote a week or so ago when it *S*ed here - thankfully not enough for them to break out out the plows and sanders. I know it may well come to that here but I do have my fingers crossed it won't.

Unknown said...

Alas, maybe Arlynda is right about me never being happy with much of nothing. For while on the truck, I found snow plows to be both a very welcome and unwelcome sight. Sigh.

marie said...

You're so funny! I'd love to see a little bit of the white stuff around here....wish I could take it away from you! I'm sure you wish the same!!!

Remington said...

I am one of those that LOVES snow....not ice, however....

Bossy Betty said...

Burrrrrrrr! No snow here and I am glad of it!

BeadedTail said...

That photo made me shiver! We're just getting lots of water in the non-freezing stage.

Sandee said...

I feel the exact same way about snow. I just don't have any use for it at all.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to my buddy Duke. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bet seeing that snow --especially after it gets dirty, can't be very pleasing--even to a snow lover like me.... I'd just like a tiny bit of snow this year.... Just a little!!!!! ha


Out on the prairie said...

A bit sore from a weekend of skating and sledding. Those bumps seemed harder, but it was way too fun.One slope took 20 moinutes to climb for a less than 3 minute ride

Chatty Crone said...

When your snow melts - do you get a lot of slick ice?

Helen said...

We woke up yesterday with a little bit of snow. It melt as soon as the sun came up. I like how it come and go so fast.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Although I love to play in it, walk in it and see how it adorns the trees, I don't like it when it creates ice!...:)JP

Rose Clearfield said...

I'm with you on the snow. Cool shot, though!

Lin said...

We need snow. We have been in a drought since the summer, so I will take water in ANY form for my yard and gardens.

And I also like all the white stuff so we can go sledding and such!

Catherine said...

Haha ~ good quote! I concur!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

We need some precipitation in any form. Will even take snow!

Sharkbytes said...

Nice pic. The trees and sky are much prettier than the truck, though.

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