Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Mom took me to see my favorite groomer last Saturday. I know I was good looking before I went but now I am incredibly handsome and I smell good too.
Before I show you my picture I want to make sure that you are sitting down. I wouldn't want any of you to faint when you see just how debonair I am.

Are you ready?

Here's a side shot

My new bandanna has cute little snowmen on it. I'm feeling so good it makes me want to dance.

I'm sticking my tongue out because I am doing a very tricky step here and it requires lots of concentration. Would you like to dance with me?


marie said...

Oh Duke....good thing I sat down. You're looking mighty fine!! By the way, your dancing is divine!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You are DUKE and you are wearing the collar mom my mom made. I can SMELL you. I do step dance with you. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness Duke, you are BEAUTIFUL! And even though you are a boy, I have to use that word for these pictures!!

bichonpawz said...

VERY handsome indeed!!! We love your new look!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

booahboo said...

I am smitten by your very good looks. You are even shiny Duke.

Duni said...

Oh Duke!! You look very handsome indeed! Cute bandanna and I love your moves ;-)

Jen said...

MY, aren't we handsome in our new winter bandanna? Looking very sharp indeed. I should think you would have to concentrate very hard to walk that rather fine line (move over Barnum & Bailey ;o)

Jackie said...

Oh my goodness Duke you are really ready to step out. You are looking mighty handsome.

Mollipop says you're really really handsome! I think she's in love. You are really looking dapper there!

I would love to dance with you and some times I stick out my tongue too! LOL..have a great day Duke and give mommy a hug too!

Small Town Mommy said...

I would love to dance with you Duke. You do look absolutely fabulous.

Tanya. said...

You do look incredibly handsome Duke...I bet you turn lots of heads when you're pout for a stroll!!

Deborah said...

Oh my he is a hansome one...and no doubt, feels so good now!
This is one westie that knows how to "walk the line"! Lol

All my heart,
Deborah ;)

Christine said...

Oh boy Duke, do you ever look handsome! Love the bandana!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YES i want to dance with you... I am sitting on the sofa so when i fell over sideways from the shock of all this handsomeness it did not hurt at all... the bandanna is YOU

Chatty Crone said...

Mr. Duke - you are handsome and talented with or without hair - but you look very nice!

Remington said...

Lookin' good, my friend!

Unknown said...


BeadedTail said...

Duke, we'd love to dance with you! You are looking very handsome and we love your bandanna!

Out on the prairie said...

Looking good Dukester.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Love that little side shot! Your Mom loves you, Duke, my friend!...:)JP

Sandee said...

You are indeed one handsome mandog Duke. You truly are.

Our Little Bit is on her way to the groomer right now.

Have a woof woof day Duke. My best to your mom. :)

john bain said...

You and me Duke, we are so alike.

Marie said...

I would love to dance with you! You're even more handsome today Duke!

Rose Clearfield said...

Who wouldn't want to dance with you, Duke? :)

Hootin Anni said...

cha, cha, cha!!

You are indeed incredibly handsome.

Reeni said...

I bet Moon would like to dance with you! You are looking mighty fine Duke!

Dee said...

very debonair....your name Duke suits you well.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Duke---you are truly a beauty... Love your bandana.... Thanks to your Mom for taking you to the groomer and making you so darn cute...


Donna said...

Of course I would love to dance with you, Mister Duke! You look so handsome!

Helen said...

look at the cat walk style! so cool Duke.

Sharkbytes said...

Duke- you are silky and debonair, and just too much for me.

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