Sunday, January 6, 2013

Guess what we did?

Yesterday it was time to take down the tree and pack up all the decorations. Why is it that it's so much easier to pull all that stuff out than it is to pack it back up?
Of course after it's all back in the totes and stored away for another year there is vacuuming to do. Duke enjoys this little household chore.
Little did I know that my daughter was taking pictures with her cell phone.

Duke is the only dog I have ever had who doesn't run when the vacuum comes out. He'll sit and watch me and wait for his turn.

Yes, the vacuum is running in these pictures and he is standing there letting me do this. He loves it for some reason.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, this is WILD!!!! So glad she caught this with the camera.

Duni said...

oh my goodness! That is amazing with Duke wanting to be"vacuumed". Never seen that before ;-)

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh....this is something else!! Now that I see this for real, I can only imagine that it DOES feel great. No, really. Wouldn't it?!!

In all honesty, Duke does look like he's enjoying the heck out of this ritual. Gotta love it.

john bain said...

With Sadie moulting all over the place I need to do this to her. Don't think she would allow it though. Oh well I ain't got a vacuum cleaner anyway!

Connie Girl said...

Very cute. I can't imagine any of my animals ever doing that! He's a special guy that's for sure!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad she took the pics, these are great and we might not have believed duke loves the vac, he must be the only dog in captivity that doesn't run.. both of ours runs and hide.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann, we did that yesterday too and now the house looks so EMPTY!!! As for the vac, Copper is terrified and Moon...she heads for the door!!!...:)JP

Donna said...

This is just TOOOO Cute!!
Glad Daughter grabbed the camera!

Jackie said...

It does look like it would feel good if you were covered all over with air.

We did have one dog, a German Sheppard that would allow you to do this to her. But, she didn't enjoy it like Duke is.

Oh Duke you are so so special! Mollipop and me hope you have a terrific day!!:-)

Sandee said...

How adorable. I just love Duke. Our Little Bit doesn't like the vacuum one bit. Scares her to pieces. Tell Amanda thank you for the great shots.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Unknown said...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great picture of you and Duke, Ann... Love it!!!!

I have never heard of a dog who is not afraid of the vacuum... Amazing how much he loves it... What a cutie!!!!


Anonymous said...

I would think it would feel good to have all the cooties vacuumed out of your fur. LOL

Marg said...

That is terrific Duke. It probably feels good to you. Wish the doggie here would let me run the vacuum over her. Good boy Duke. Great pictures. Take care.

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty funny, I have had most pets see this as some kind of monster.For those who shed it would be a dream to allow one to use on them.

Jille said...

It made me chuckle to see Duke enjoy being vacuumed as our old golden retriever Harry loves it too! When I'm hoovering he will just lay in the way until I hoover him! Madness!
Jille xx

Chatty Crone said...

I am SHOCKED! Disco would DIE!

BeadedTail said...

That's a little bit odd Duke but we loved seeing the photos of your mom vacuuming you! Looks like you both had fun!

Lin said...

Oh, that's funny!! My cats HATE the vacuum! They run if I come into the room with it. You must not have a very loud vacuum...or he's just exceptionally brave!

(I hate putting all that stuff away too. Ugh)

Deborah said...

So cute and funny that he loves this!
Happy New Year!

Deborah ;)

Reeni said...

Haha so funny! Moon runs and hides at the first sign of the vacuum coming out.

marie said...

So funny...loved seeing these shots of you and Duke. Thank you Amanda!

Catherine said...

Isn't it amazing how big the living room feels after the Christmas tree gets taken down? LOL!
Duke is a good pup!
xo Catherine

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Amazing Duke! He is having a great time :) Raider barks at the vacuum!

Donna said...

How funny! Oh, how I wished my dog Buddy would have let me vacuum his hair while it was on his body, rather than the mountain of fur he left all over the floor! But he would growl and bark at the hose whenever I got it out.

Gosh, I have the opposite experience with Christmas decorations. It takes me about 1/3 the time to put away than to put out.

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