Sunday, March 24, 2013

So annoyed with myself

Yesterday I made a card to send to someone. Not only did I make it but I actually LOVED the way it turned out. Of course I didn't take a picture so I can't prove to you that it looked really good. A simple solution would be to just take a picture of it right? Well you see the problem is I can't find it. I have searched my house several times and I have no idea where I put it. I've gone as far as looking in all of the garbage cans and in the refrigerator. What you've never putt odd things in the refrigerator before? Hey it could happen.
Well at least I didn't forget where I put Duke. He went to the groomer and I did remember where he was.

He wants you to see a profile shot too. He thinks that is his best side.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Welcome to my world. I have been known to more than once leave a full glass of water in the linen closet. Duke is BEAUTIFUL!!! How long will he stay this way??

Pat said...

Oh how annoying!

You remembered Duke, though - so that's good :)
He really is a handsome lad xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first let me say, Duke does NOT have a bad side so how could he have a best side.
oh no on the card and been there done that and yes, i did find the jelly in the cabinet and the peanut butter in the fridge and several other things have disapeared. me thinks the card will magically appear but not until the time passes that you need it.

bichonpawz said...

Believe me! I do things like that all the time! Glad you remembered where Duke was! He looks terrific! Hope you find that is aggravating when you make a special card...only to lose it...

john bain said...

Duke is looking very handsome. I was wondering if he may have eaten the card? Just a thought.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I see your beautiful eyes DUKE (just in time for Easter) Oh make sure you don't roll on the ground so much. Mmmm Ann you got the same problem as my mom. I she unpacked all the luggage but could not find the "ONE Thing" ... yes I bet it was accidentally thrown out ... hope not yours and you find it soon. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Donna said...

Welcome to the years where we forget things. Lots of things. We run out of RAM and need a memory upgrade. I spent over an hour looking for my little light table contraption in the studio room. Never did find it. It wasn't in its usual "spot." Nowhere to be found. It must have run off to be with your beautiful handmade card!

And Mister Duke looks sooooooo handsome!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann - did you check the 'man cave' for the card? Maybe Wade loved it so much he just had to have it ... or maybe he's just having a little fun at your expense...

Mr. Duke looks great and is ready for the Easter bunny.

Have a great Sunday and let us know if you find the card ... or maybe you mailed it and forget that you did...hahahaha ... at your expense!


Unknown said...

Don't you keep a copy of your work on the computer? Of course, Duke might get a little miffed if you tried to copy him.

Out on the prairie said...

Duke is looking good, that card will turn up, did you maybe mail it?

Sandee said...

Are you sure you've not mailed it already and you just forgot? I do this all the time. Hubby does it too. It's the pits and then some.

Duke really is a handsome man after his trip to the groomer. I'm pretty sure he knows it too.

Have a terrific Sunday. My best to Duke. ☺

BeadedTail said...

Maybe you just dreamed you made a card! :) Duke looks very handsome in his new spring do! Give him a smooch for me!

Marie said...

First, with Duke all sides are great! His adorable face is the Best. :)

I've done this same thing and it drives me nuts! lol
I hope you find the card. :)
Hope you have some sunshine today!

Small Town Mommy said...

I have lost my cell phone more times than I can count. I once left it on my office and didn't find it for 2 months (yes, I got a replacement). I am constantly putting things down and never seeing them again.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann, did you look in your purse? Love that profile...he really knows what his best side is!...:)JP

Daisy said...

Duke is looking so handsome. I like the color of his spring-y kerchief.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HA HA----we all lose things like that. It will appear where you never expected it to...

Duke is a cutie --and he knows it!!!

Lin said...

Lookin' good, Duke!

Antonella said...

LOL - I have done the same thing, I misplace things all the time... they do say the first thing to go is the memory :-)
Hugs, antonella :-)

Catherine said...

I hate when I do that! Sadly, it seems to happen more the older I get! Haha! Hope you find it!

Lookin' good Duke!

xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

Glad you found your card!

Duke you are so very very handsome.


Debra Dickinson said...

Oh my, I totally resemble this remark. After all, if I had a dime for everything I couldn't find - I'd be retired & in my RV traveling right now. I know how frustrating it is but be kind to yourself. HugZ!

Duke looks great! Handsome fella. :)

Anonymous said...

Whenever my mother couldn't find her glasses we always checked the fridge first...

Dee said...

Odd, but you will always find a lost object in the last place you look....Duke is looking mighty handsome. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

SO handsome, I'd like to give Duke a big hug! Now go help your mama find the beautiful card she made!

Donna said...

Duke's snapshot is Gorgeous Ann!! So bright! drooling....Hahaaa
I have to take notes to remind me that I need to Make a note...Hahaaa

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