Monday, March 4, 2013

Welcome to this weeks addition of Meet my other friends Monday. The friends that are featured in this post appear in no particular order. I've started with bloggers who have visible email addresses. Once I work through those I will begin contacting others through the comment section on your blog. You could be next

Today we'll be visiting with Betsy from Joyful Reflections. If you don't already know her you are in for a treat. She's a real sweet lady, a wonderful photographer and together her and her husband take you on trips showing you sights that will take your breath away.

1.How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
 I started blogging in 2006 (on Lightblog). Switched to Blogger in Jan., 2009. Since I am into Genealogy, I first started blogging to share some of my life with my family in the future…. I thought it would be a good way to leave my legacy! These days though, I do it more to share my happy life with wonderful friends all across the world.

2.What is the one piece of advice you would give a new blogger?
 Oh My Goodness… I think it depends upon your purpose for blogging. Some people stay very private and never share much about their personal lives. Some (like me) are very open --and want to get to know people on a personal level. I find that ones who are very open are the ones who DO become great friends. We not only are blog friends, but email buddies, some on Facebook, and actually (if we are lucky)--we'll meet some of these wonderful people in person. My blog friends are truly friends for life. I could never just quit blogging and disappear --like some people do. That's not what blogging is to me.

It all depends upon what you want out of blogging. If you want friends who visit your blog and make comments (important to me), then you need to visit them regularly. I find that I don't usually visit others' blogs a lot unless they visit me. That's how we build relationship.

3.Do you have any hobbies or special talents?
 As a 70 year old retiree, I am busier than I've ever been. I worked my entire life ---so now is the time for ME and for my PLAY time. My hobbies: my HUBBY--the love of my life, family, travel, hiking and staying active and HEALTHY, searching for waterfalls, losing weight and keeping it off (so hard), photography, blogging of course, Facebook, genealogy, backyard birding, gardening (flowers), just being out in nature!!!!! 

4 Of course you love all the blogs you visit but share a link to one of those and tell us why we should check it out.
 I could never do that… Each blog I visit is unique and special. I gave up tagging, give-aways, awards, etc. several years ago because I didn't ever want to hurt someone's feelings by picking and choosing.

I do think that all of us bloggers enjoy certain blogs more than others. We all tend to like bloggers who have the same interests that we have--and write about what we also love. Some of us like more photos and less words. Some love reading lots of words. I guess if I had my choice, I would choose a blog that says something to ME after reading it. One thing which irritates me is when someone posts a picture with no information at all about it, or a blog post that leaves you scratching your head when you leave it… NOT GOOD (in my opinion)….. But --that's just me and what I expect!

5.What is one thing that totally makes you crazy?
 People with negative attitudes …. As opinionated as I can be (and I can), I do LOVE life and generally always see the best side of life. My motto: Surround yourself with positive people! I am a fun-loving person who just enjoys sharing my life with others.

6.Give one random thought
 Random Thought: Life is short --and none of us know when our last breath will come. SO--live it to its fullest, love yourself, share the love with family/friends, and stay as ACTIVE as possible as you age. Take that baggage which you are carrying, and throw it away. My friends: It's all about ATTITUDE and your CHOICES. Just choose to BE HAPPY…


Small Kucing said...

I love Betsy blog. Hers is always so positive looking and "happy" sort of blog . Makes me happy reading it

Busy Bee Suz said...

Betsy has the best attitude on the planet! XOXO

MadSnapper n Beau said...

betsy and George were two of my first followers, i think it has been 4 years now.


I recently met Betsy and her blog and instantly fell in love with her JOY of living and her fantastic photos. I am happy you highlighted Betsy and Her Joyful Reflections. Hugs Judy

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Betsy's a gem, for sure. Good choice to feature here. I loved reading her responses to your questions.

Donna said...

Betsy is such a treasure our here in blogdom, and I always enjoy reading about their traveling adventures!

Anonymous said...

Great interview with Betsy! She is so positive -that's what I like about her.

Karin said...

Love Betsy's and George's blogs and keeping in touch on facebook. Circumstances have changed so much in my life that I don't have time to write blog posts as I did at the beginning of blogging, but love to visit other blogs - sometimes comment and other times not! Have a great day!

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks so much for this interview! Love her spirit!

Chatty Crone said...

Can't say enough about good friend Betsy.

Sandee said...

I love her random thought the very best. Spot on!

Have a terrific day all. My best to Duke. ☺

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for featuring betsy today! she and george are such active and joy-loving souls. :)

Marie said...

I do follow Betsy and love everything about her and her blog. :) You can really feel her passionate and fun personality thru her photos and writing. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've been following Betsy for quite a while now. I love her zest for life and also love going along with her and George on their trips. Virtually speaking, of course! :)
Great post!

Out on the prairie said...

i see a lot of my friends on her blog and have enjoyed sharing her fun and vigor.

Helen said...

Nice to meet Betsy! She is cool!

Duni said...

Nice to meet Betsy! I love how she embraces life :)

Neal said...

Betsy and George are two GREAT people. We have gotten together with them a couple times...they are really a treat to be around. We ALWAYS have a good time when we are with them....even if it does take both George and I to keep Betsy in line. :)

Lin said...

Amen, sister! I like "happy" too! I think I like this Betsy already.

Reeni said...

I loved meeting Betsy! She gives great life advice!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Thanks for sharing Betsy with us! I love her attitude and I hope to be just like her when I'm 70! Love her style!

Unknown said...

I do follow Betsy and it's always a treat to visit her blog :)

Catherine said...

Love Betsy and I visit her all the time. She is a gal to aspire too!
xo Catherine

Dee said...

I look forward to meeting Betsy :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Hi Ann, You have a lovely blog here.
Just stopping over from Betsy's Blog. I really do enjoy reading and seeing all the photos on her awesome blog.

Lynda said...

I love Betsy and this was an EXCELLENT post by and about her! Thanks for featuring her.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I enjoy Betsy's blog and I knew I'd enjoy her interview here. She is a wonderful inspiration!

Sharkbytes said...

I'm off to visit!

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