Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happiness is...

Basking in the sunshine on a warm day

The picture is from 2010. It isn't that warm out now and Duke isn't that shaggy. He does look happy though.

At the moment we are having a good internet day but problems persist and the phone company says there is no problem from their end. They would be happy to send a technician out to check things out with our set up for a price. Wade says no way are we paying them to fix their equipment. Today he's looking in to other options.


Unknown said...

Duke looks happy enough there in the sun. Having internet problems is a pain, hope you will get it sorted soon. Have a lovely weekend!

Out on the prairie said...

Terrible to have to go through

Donna said...

Go outside and check the wires...We had the same problem a few years ago and found out squirrels were playing havoc jumping off of them or swinging on them. We had the cable company come out and install all the loose wiring into a protective box.
No more problems...

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't you know... it's NEVER the phone companies fault. LOL NEVAH!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Oh Boy -- sounds like another adventure what will cost $'s - good luck with the internet connection ... and if we don't hear from you ... well - we will all assume that Wade 'fixed it' - if you get my drift!


Sandee said...

You should go wireless like Verizon. It's a 4G and it's awesome. We use that on the boat and it works wonderfully.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is the equipment - it gets old and stops working well. That recently happened with us. We had a really old wireless router. I kept saying it needed to replaced, that the technology had changed and improved - my husbandf ignored me. Well after several days of yelling at Comcast and their telling me there was no problem on their end, I bought a new router and Bingo! no more internet problems. If you have a wireless router and it is more than a year or so old, that may be your problem.

Unknown said...

Be assured that I feel your pain. Well, at least I did. Nope, don't want to go back there, and I hope it ends much sooner than later for you-all.

Catherine said...

We are having snow today, so a photo of Duke sitting in the sunshine makes me happy.
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good luck on the options ,taking the week end off, no post until monday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope he finds a solution. Duke is indeed smiling!

Tamago said...

This is such a lovely picture of Duke enjoying the sun!
I hope your internet problem is resolved soon. It must be a pain!

Marg said...

Well that isn't any fun. Hope you can figure out what the problem is. Could the wires be wet?? I have no idea. It most probably is the darn phone company. Take care.

BeadedTail said...

Hope Wade figures out your internet problem! Bet if it starts messing up your cable he'd get it fixed before race day!

Chatty Crone said...

Duke looks like he is smiling! sandie

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh. so sorry about these problems you are having! I know Duke is doing his share to help out!

Marie said...

Duke looks so comfy and relaxed there in the sunshine!
Internet problems can mess up so much!
Hope you are having a great weekend!

Donna said...

Sorry about the internet problems! Pbbttt...... Hugs to Mister Duke (and you too, LOL).

Nancy said...

Ugh -- I can so relate to your internet woes. We just recently went to Dish Internet to save money. It's slower than Verizon, but that's okay with me.

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