Thursday, October 24, 2013

Beware the claws of the cat

Before that cat showed up this is what the back yard looked like

It ran back and forth through the back yard carrying big drain pipe and leaving lots of muddy tracks

Right in the middle of their path through the yard was a tree. Notice I said was.

If you look at the first picture, the only tree now standing in the back yard is the big one in the middle. The pear tree on the right (you may remember me complaining about it) is no more. Funny story with this. They knocked on the door Monday and talked to Wade. He said they asked about taking out the trees and he told them go ahead. Tuesday evening I was looking out the back door and I said to Wade that it didn't make sense that they had to take out the pear tree but not a tree in my neighbors yard that is even closer to where they are working. Wade gets a big grin and he says well they didn't have to take the pear tree out. They asked about the other one and I said sure but too bad you don't have to take the pear tree. The guy offered to pull that one out too and Wade took him up on it.

So you are probably wondering what all this is about. I've shown you the flooding we get in our back yard when it rains. The borough is finally taking care of it. Hopefully when this project is all done I will never have to go on flood watch again


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wait, taking all the trees out will help your flooding? I'm a bit confused on this, but I do remember how your flooded yard looks, I'm all for whatever will fix it!!

booahboo said...

The laying of the pipes would help in the long run. Flooding is no fun. Would Duke really mind if a real cat came to live with you all?

Duni said...

I hope it gets done soon!

Christine said...

Clever Wade!
and I hope this sorts out the flood problem!

Hootin Anni said...

Aha!!! Now we, with inquiring minds, know. What a vicious looking cat tho...Duke, stay put, you don't want those claws coming after you.

But, what do you do now, when nature calls, huh, Duke? No trees?!!!!

Catherine said...

Hooray for fixing the flood zone!!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is good news, you will have drainage, you already have 2 posts, and there should be at least 2 or more on the way, if i were there i would be snappiing those treads on that cat.... glad you are getting help with flooding and you got rid of the tree you hated thanks to Wade.

Sharkbytes said...

I would not be happy to have trees removed, but I guess reduced flooding is good.

Out on the prairie said...

Hate to see any tree go, but a dry yard will be nice

Sandee said...

No more flooding and the pear tree is gone too? Excellent. I love it when a plan comes together.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ☺

Grace said...

Are they going to re-sod and re-plant some trees! (No flooding is VERY good...)

BeadedTail said...

What a mess but yay for no pear tree or flooding!

Nancy said...

Good for you and no flooding... not so good for the pear tree! :)

Marg said...

Well that is good to get the yard ready for no flooding. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Will you plant other trees elsewhere in the yard?

Donna said...

If it solves your flooding problem, that's great. But I think I would have been heartbroken over losing two trees.

Lin said...

The mess will be worth it. Now check your insurance rates and see if you can get a cheaper rate because the chance of flooding will be reduced.

Marie said...

They're making a mess! lol
Hey, we're vacationing in NC, so I'm running even more behind. lol
I will catch up! :)

Sheryl Hastings said...

I sure hope that solves the problem. We get a lot of flooding too but it's all toward the back of the property and doesn't come close to the house. I hope it never does!

Antonella said...

Wow! You have really good karma right now... They got rid of your problem child pear tree, what a nice guy he was! Maybe you should run out quick and buy a lottery ticket!
Hugs, antonella :-)

Reeni said...

That was nice of them! I'm glad your flooding problem is getting taken care of!

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