Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Just in case anyone was wondering I thought I would let you know my lame excuses for not posting the last several days.
Friday I got home from work not feeling very good and proceeded to sleep the evening away. Saturday I was feeling better and we did some errands that took all morning and part of the afternoon. By the time I got home it was hit the couch veg in front of the tv for the rest of the weekend.

The work continues in my back yard and the mess just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Monday I come home from work to find that my driveway is blocked by the construction vehicles and there is a truck parked in my driveway. I had to park up the street in front of my neighbors house. I was a bit ticked to say the least.

Any way as you can tell from my lack of original photographs I'm not much in the blogging mood but I wanted to at least say a hardy hello to everyone.


Duni said...

Hello Ann!

the neighbour across the road from us has some construction work going on at his house and the vehicles and construction stuff is obstructing our front driveway...so I understand completely!
Cute kitty in the hood :)

Hootin Anni said...

They parked in your driveway!! Oh, I'd be there chewing on some construction butt 'bout then.

Hope you're feeling even better today Ann.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I'm glad you decided to say hello! I was having an off weekend as well. Didn't get much accomplished at all. I feel guilty when that happens but then I come to realize that I'm not super woman and sometimes my brain and/or my body just needs a break!

Sandee said...

Wow, they parked in your driveway? That's not good. Not at all.

Your kitty graphic is so cute and it says Awww...so I linked it to my Awww Mondays post. Duke said it was okay.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so did you make them MOVE? with all this going on no blogging is a good idea... OR you could go out there if it happens again and take photos of the trucks, the license plates and the people, make them think you are going to report them, then take photos of them yelling at you... this should give you blog material for at least a week.... just sayin

Christine said...

Ohhh construction guys think they can make up their own rules. One time my car was dented by their carelessness but they totally denied it so I know how maddening they can be.
Ok now I gotta do my deep breathing again...
Hope it settles soon for you. And remember to breathe!!!

Marg said...

Wow that sure doesn't sound like fun, having all that construction going on. Hope it all gets done really soon. Take care.

Out on the prairie said...

Not a fun mess to be in. They have talked at tearing up the road my farm is on for years and I wondered if I would want to live out there or get an apartment just to be away from the mess.

Grace said...

And how long is this mishagoss going to go on? Over soon I hope...

BeadedTail said...

Doesn't sound like a fun time in your neighborhood these days but hope they finish up soon! Hug Duke and make something crafty. That should help! :)

Chatty Crone said...

You know some how I must have missed what is going on in the back - a new septic tank?

Anonymous said...

Some cats are born to be gangsta's.

Donna said...


Lin said...

Bugger. That sounds like a huge mess and inconvenience. I'd be crabby too.

Hang in there...it will be worth it when the spring rains come.

Hope you are feeling better!

Marie said...

Sandra makes me laugh! hope your week gets better. :) hugs to you and Duke!

Antonella said...

Yo, Yo, Yo, to you too... Our friends had gas lines run through their yard and it was a big mess... I hope they finish up soon!
Hugs, Antonella :-)

Donna said...

I'm Crabby Toooo!!! I Want Pie! I know that would fix it...Hahaaa
Geeez....turning off the news would probably make me feel better as well...
Feel better soon!!

Reeni said...

I hope they finish up soon! Happy early Halloween!

Helen said...

At least you had a better excuse than me for not posting. I'm just plain lazy.

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