Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin pile

I've got a quick craft today that I did a couple weeks ago.

I bought the glittery foam pumpkins at Wal-mart and I think they were under a dollar but I can't remember.
After I wrapped some scrapbook paper around a tin can I glued the pumpkins on top of it and that's all there was to it.
Chances are at the end of the season this one will just get trashed but for now it sits and decorates my mantle


Hootin Anni said...

I like it!!! And, the blog post title is a catchy one!! I wasn't exactly sure of what I was going to expect from you. Clever wording.

Christine said...

So quick and easy and thrifty who cares if you trash it at the end of the season! TFS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was a tad disappointed when the post opened, on my feedly i saw the title as Pumpkin PIE and that is what i was expecting. then i saw the PILE and decided my eyes are getting worse each day. it looks big but if it is on the mantle must be smaller than it looks. i see the candy is in the new crafty dish.. and it looks like chocolate from here.

Duni said...

Love it! I haven't seen any glittery pumpkins here - might have to make my own :)

Grace said...

I'm not sure about that black pumpkin but the other two are fun!

Sandee said...

Love your layout and your header. Awesome.

I think the pumpkins are adorable. Yes I do. You are so talented.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to Duke. ☺

Connie said...

My Dear Ann, you are so clever. This looks so cute and for $3 you have a great decoration for the season. Duke looks so cute in his little scarf and ears, it doesn't seem to bother him one bit to be dressed up . . . in fact he looks like he enjoys being in style for the holiday :)
Have a fun filled day and give Duke a scratch behind the ear from me.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

BeadedTail said...

I wouldn't have thought to stack them but they do look interesting!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is really lovely, and makes a big splash without being too gaudy. Why would you ever trash it??? Send it to me, I would love it and also pay for the postage!!!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You're crazy! Don't you dare toss that!!!!...:)JP

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann, What a cool display!!!
It is a glam decoration. :)

Tanya. said...

Looks very cool Ann. This could be done with the actual fruit and you could carve faces into them all to make a jack'o'totem pole!!!

Debra Dickinson said...

I have missed keeping up with your wonderful crafty talented self. Way to go Ann. This is adorable!

Catherine said...

Fun! Halloween will soon be here!
xo Catherine

Sharkbytes said...

This one's not my favorite, but it's obviously a big hit with some, and that's why I don't do a good job of making things that sell.

Unknown said...

This one is nice :) and it sits nicely there

Antonella said...

Well, if you don't keep it you can at least keep it through Thanksgiving... I know you, you will look at it and somehow manage to turn those pumpkins into ornaments and keep them around till Christmas... lol
Hugs, Antonella :-)

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