Saturday, October 12, 2013

The nerve

Some humans have a lot of nerve. What's up with going off on a Saturday to have fun and leaving me home. That is just not right.

Mom is headed to Shaker Woods with her friend Debbie today. I don't get it, they just went a year ago why do they need to go again? She will pay for this if it's the last thing I do.


Duni said...

Poor Duke! If I lived closer I'd happily keep you company :)

Lin said...

Aw, poor Duke! I think you should come stay here with me and kitties when she leaves you. We like dog-sitting!

Donna said...

Oh, Duke! You can come over and play with Marty. Meanwhile, I'll join your mom, LOL!

Out on the prairie said...

I am hoping you didn't talk harsh to him for sulkiing

MadSnapper n Beau said...

poor sweet baby, take a nap and mommy will be home soon

Donna said...

I think Mommy needs to buy you a playmate!! Maybe a female version of yourself???Hummm?
How about it Mommy??Hahaaa

Sandee said...

Poor Duke. You should get to go anywhere you mom goes. That's just not right to leave you home alone.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom when you finally get to see her again. :)

Christine said...

Now Duke, try to understand mom. She needs a bit of a longer leash sometimes too!
Have fun!

Chatty Crone said...

I tell you what - she does have some nerve!

Sharkbytes said...

Aw, Duke! Don't sit in the corner and pout. She'll be back.

BeadedTail said...

Hope your dad stayed home to keep you company Duke! Maybe your mom will bring treats too!

Connie said...

Sounds like Duke is a little bit upset. Next Saturday, you better have a Duke Day :)

Marie said...

you need a playmate!:)

Pat said...

What! You didn't get to go, Duke? I'm flabbergasted! :) x

Nancy said...

Duke - you shoulda come out to the farm to play with Buck and Sioux! Next time, okay? :)

Betty Manousos said...

hi ann,
awww, what a cutie pie!

poor duke, your mommy does have some nerve!

happy sunday and thanks so much for sharing this lovely photo of duke!

Hootin Anni said...

You do look a bit P O'd and forlorn dear Duke!!! Never fear...your mom will return and pay ready attention to you upon her arriving home. She's missing you right now.

Oh, and if you believe that...I have this nifty, state of the art, dog house for your possession, cheap!!!

Marg said...

We hope the Mom has a good time and I bet she will bring something back for you Duke and just think how much fun it will be when she gets home. Take care.

Molly Smith said...

Duke doesn't look like he is having it so bad! CUTE! Hope you are having a great weekend and had fun yesterday.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Poor Duke... Such a neglected doggie!!!!! NOT!!!! ha ha

Hope you had a great time at Shaker Woods.

Have a great Sunday.

Tanya. said...

Mum's gone to some woods without you??? I agree Duke, that really isn't on, you need to have some stern words with her when she gets home!!

Jille said...

Poor Duke. In the UK we have a children's helpline so that children who are abused, abandoned or need help can phone and speak to someone. I have sent Duke the number he has clearly been abandoned, poor boy.

Reeni said...

I'm free for dog sitting Duke! You can come hang out with Moon!

Unknown said...

Awww...Duke is so cute ^_^

Antonella said...

Awe, poor Duke, just remember a happy mommy makes a happy Duke. Hugs, antonella :-)

Helen said...

You poor thing. Did mom get you any thing from the trip?

Catherine said...

Poor pup. Hope everyone didn't leave you for too long!
xo Catherine

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