Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mii, Wii and Duke

I was turning into a very lazy, very achy, old lady couch potato. I wasn't happy with myself at all. Not only had I gotten lazy but I was gaining weight and I was not making time for other things besides the computer and the tv.

I made the decision that I need to divide my time a whole lot better. I need to make time for cleaning my house, getting off my butt and exercising and working on craft projects.

I got a good start on the house but still a long way to go there. I haven't done too many craft projects other than finishing up some projects left over from Christmas.

I have done very well with the getting off my butt and exercising. I pulled out my Wii and dusted it off. It's been several years since I've used it but the last week and a half I have used it almost every day.

I was only slightly offended when it continually told me I was unbalanced and overweight.

So far I'm really enjoying my daily workouts and what started out as a 15-20 minute workout is now up to 45.

Here's my Mii weighing in and getting ready to train. Of course Duke is right there with me. He can't do the exercises but he can weigh in with me.

I don't know if this is helping with weight loss just yet but I do know that the exercising is making a difference in how achy and tired I was feeling. I've got way more energy. Now if I can just keep it going.


Duni said...

I have never exercised to Wii before. 45 minutes? That's great, Ann!
I'm lucky if I get in my 20 min every morning. Does running after cats count as exercise?

bichonpawz said...

I don't know anything about the Wii....but I guess this is good!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic... Wii and exercise of any kind trumps computer/blog/crafts... you go are inspiring me to get moving more than i do

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

You've sparked my interest in getting a Wii ... I'll be following your progress.


Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

You've sparked my interest in getting a Wii ... I'll be following your progress.


Unknown said...

We were wanting to get a Wii before we became so decrepit. Sigh.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

And now you know why I go to the gym...keep it up Ann!!!...:)JP

Sandee said...

Good for you on the exercise and it will make you feel better. Lots better. I'm glad Duke is with you too.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

I need to dust off my Wii Fit too! I always enjoy it but never seem to take the time for it!

Out on the prairie said...

I made cinnamon rolls while it snowed all night.Never gave a Wii a try, my kids have one.

a paper {life} said...

Way to go Ann. I know how you feel and it is so easy to just hibernate at this time of year.

Bossy Betty said...

Very cool! Both you and Duke look great on that screen. I've been called unbalanced by the best of 'em!

Sharkbytes said...

Interesting. Sort of looks like fun

Grace said...

Oh that's cute - You get a pet to help and one who is amazingly look-a-like.

Donna said...

Keep up the good work! I love that graphic with Duke right there beside you, LOL.

Tanya. said...

I have a wii and I love to do yoga on it. I am very active with my gardening and work so I don't tend to do the training but I find the yoga both energising and relaxing..I guess I could go to a yoga class but I am much happier doing it in the comfort of my own home!!

crafty cat corner said...

Do you know we have a Wii and we used to use it a lot, especially for the bowling but we haven't had it out for some time. Shame because they do work, you can feel the muscles working when you do the exercises. you've given me the push to get it out and use it.

BeadedTail said...

Good for you! I haven't used our Wii for awhile either so maybe I should dust it off and use it again! I hate the part where you stand on the board and it groans though. LOL!

Unknown said...

To exercise has a lot of benefits, we feel more energised and uplifted which reminds me I need to get my self in gear too. Can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can go for my runs again.
Have a great day!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Good job! My grandson's Wii is here so I just might check out the fit plus you have shown here. Jerry's comment made me laugh :)

Dee said...

Wonderful...I need to get off my butt too.

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