Monday, February 3, 2014

Thanks Phil

Yesterday was Ground Hogs day and in these parts it's Punxsutawney Phil who makes the decision on whether we have to endure another 6 weeks of winter or not. Well naturally Phil saw his shadow so we'll be waiting a little longer on spring (like it would be any different if he didn't see his shadow)

Anyway, when I woke up yesterday morning I really didn't need a groundhog to tell me that it was still winter, it was pretty obvious. When I headed out to the store I pulled out my cell phone to take a picture.

At the end of my street there is a wooded lot and I couldn't help pulling over and taking another picture. The trees covered in white were so pretty.

On my way back home there were so many pretty sights I could have spent all day taking pictures but I only had the phone with me. There were no cars behind me so I stopped right in the middle of the road and took another quick one


Tanya. said...

I do love to see the winter trees covered in snow. It makes things bright and magical in an otherwise quite drab season. No snow for us as of yet though...still time though!!

crafty cat corner said...

Couldn't agree more at how pretty the snow is, pity its so cold with it. The trees look especially lovely.

SarahGeorge said...

Beautiful pictures! I too love to take many pictures of nature :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmmm...4-6inches today, more coming We'd & Sat...want to move in?...:)JP

Hootin Anni said...

Altho, I'm very happy to not live where snow falls...but oh my Ann....that photo of the snow covered woods is absolutely beautiful!! Reminds me of Robert Frost's poem...Stopping by the Woods at Night

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the shot of those lacy beautiful let's discuss the fact you left home without your camera.. never ever never leave home without your camera. that is rule 1 for me... of course i don't have a cell phone for back up....

Anonymous said...

That's what the middle of the road is for... photographers! Just ask any one of us... LOL

Duni said...

The snow covered trees do look pretty, but I'm totally looking forward to spring anyway! Hope it'll come sooner rather than later :)

Christine said...

I love seeing the snow covered trees and countryside but having to endure several more weeks of such weather is hard going!
Sending you warmest wishes as that's about the best I can do!

Antonella said...

enough with the snow already...
it makes for beautiful scenery, but why couldn't it have done this yesterday??? lol
Have a safe day, Antonella :-)

Sharkbytes said...

the trees are gorgeous. That's what we have this morning too.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely snow, and lots more coming here.I am waiting for it to warm up past 10 and headed out for a hike. Tomorrow sounds like a good day to bake.

Sandee said...

It rained a bit here yesterday and it was windy and cold. We are back tot he normal sunshine this morning. You can have that white stuff.

Have a fabulous Monday. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Kath said...

Beautiful pics, Ann.
Have a blessed week :-)

Helen said...

We had beautiful weather over the weekend. The snow were almost gone and now a new pile is coming down. It is pretty though the winter scene.

Grace said...

Yup those trees look mighty purty -

Molly Smith said...

You are so funny, Ann! These photos are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the beauty where you live. It's cold here (22 tonight) but when I look out MY window it's just wet and ugly :o) Have a great week!

BeadedTail said...

Those trees may be purrty but it sure looks cold! Hope spring gets here sooner than Phil thinks it will!

Sheryl Hastings said...

The snow does make for some pretty pictures. I love it before it all blows off the trees. We have more in the forecast for tonight too.

Donna said...

Wow, that sure was a pretty snow! I adore that second photo of the snow covered trees!

Reeni said...

Those are stunning!!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed seeing those winter snaps, looks lovely :) I love the snow covered trees

Unknown said...

At least the road looked good.

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