Saturday, February 8, 2014


Isn't that one of the nicest words you've ever heard? It ranks right up there with Sunday.

I was on such a good roll with posting every day again this year until yesterday. Thursday night I got home from work, did my wii workout, had dinner, got a shower and then I  made the mistake of sitting down on the couch. I finally decided at 8:00 pm that I should go to bed and call it a day.

It's been a while since you've seen Duke so he said I should give you a picture of him today. I asked him if he wanted to pawtograph it for you but he declined.

Enjoy your weekend.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awwwww...that face!!!! Enjoy your weekend, Ann...:)JP

Hootin Anni said...

I swear ... Duke you melt an ol' gal's heart!!! Such a sweetie pie.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tell him auntie sandra places a kiss right on that precious nose.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS when you get old like me every day will be saturday and you will love it...

Christine said...

He is a welcome guy on your post and it is good to hear from you too!

Donna said...

Well, hello, Mister Duke, you handsome devil!

Grace said...

It's a marvelous photo - Happy Weekend.

Sandee said...

Duke is awesome. You know I'm pretty biased where he's concerned.

Yes, Saturday and Sunday is wonderful. I so remember.

Have a fabulous weekend my friend. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

duke looks content

Unknown said...

As always duke looks very nice :)

Tanya. said...

Beautiful picture Ann...and I have missed Duke!!

Sharkbytes said...

Take care of her, Duke. I'm trying hard to do nothing of import today.

Jille said...

Saturday is just about my favourite word alongside chocolate. I do hope that Duke isn't becoming all 'celebrity!' Although I must say he is looking very handsome!

Marg said...

Oh we love seeing Duke. You are looking good you good dog. Hope all of you have a great weekend.
Take care.

WillOaks Studio said...

Gee he's handsome, what a face! Since I lost Dakota, I've been really working at getting "doggy fixes" from friends...and even strangers. What's a doggy fix, you ask? A nice long petting session, and maybe a few treats or kisses, depending on the dog.....

Lin said...

I'm trying to write about anything other than cold and snow and I'm coming up empty these days. Your photo of Duke makes up for it all. :)

Unknown said...

I hear that they are adding agility trials to the Westminster Dog Show this year. Will Duke be competing next year?

BeadedTail said...

We love seeing Duke today or anyday! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Catherine said...

Hey Duke! It's about time that we saw. Your sweet little face!
xo Catherine

Antonella said...

Lovin that face! such a cutie!!!
Enjoy your weekend!

You are worried about not posting every day, I cannot even visit every day, you are doing great, just cut me slack when I don't get to visit!

Hugs, Antonella :-)

Reeni said...

Aww I love seeing his adorable face! He melts my heart.

Chatty Crone said...

Duke you are truly one handsome dog, Ann glad you got some sleep - I have done that before too!

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