Sunday, June 29, 2014

Back in Black

I'll start by saying this post has absolutely nothing to do with the AC/DC album. I just looked at today's pictures and it's the first thing that came to my mind.

These guys have become my evening visitors. Not only are they a little too big for the feeder I have out but they can be a bit rowdy at times.


bichonpawz said...

Awesome pics Ann!! Happy Sunday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ours get roudy and LOUD. HA HA is what they say

Jeanette said...

Great pics! They can be loud, can't they!

Marg said...

Those are great pictures. Just look at those evil eyes.They are kind of rowdy and very loud. Hope you have a great day.

Hootin Anni said...

...but Ann, they're beauties!!!

Again, you should consider adding the link to this post on I'd Rather B Birdin'.

Other bird enthusiasts will love it, I'm sure.

Sheryl Hastings said...

Great pictures! We have those too. I've noticed that while there are some on the ground, there is always one up in the trees above them as if they are on watch duty.

Grace said...

This prompted me to look up crows, black birds, raven - they are all in the same family - corvids - but are different species (I hope I got that right) We have huge blackbirds which I suspect are ravens and when 20 or more line up on the utility wires they are indeed ominous - Calling Edgar Allen Poe..

Great bird photos...

Sandee said...

Love to watch the birds. They do fight a lot though. Tons of food for everyone and they will fight for all of the food. Bless their hearts.

Have a fabulous Sunday. My best to Duke. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are incredibly smart, though. And they sure do know how to party!

Anonymous said...

Noisy, and they have been taking a friend's tomatoes from their vines, and then pecking holes in them out in the yard. She fenced her tomatoes today and if that does not take care of the problem she plans to take other steps. You know... like asking them politely to LEAVE! LOL

jp@A Green Ridge said...

They are NOT my favorite all...don't bring them when you come....:)JP

Molly Smith said...

Depending on the season, I wear earplugs at night because of the birds around here. Great photos, Ann! I hope your next week is less hectic with some fun thrown in. :-)

Duni said...

Cool! How did you manage to get this close?!!

Unknown said...

Great pictures!! I love the title too, and of course I am a huge fan of AC/DC lol!

Sharkbytes said...

They are SO smart. Good pix.

Unknown said...

You know about Back in Black? YOU?

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