Monday, June 30, 2014

Looking up

I strongly believe that when our loved ones leave this earth they send us signs. Last Friday when I was on my way to the funeral home I happened to look up and see a cloud that looked just like a hand with the middle finger sticking up. Now that may not sound like a very heavenly sign but it was so my brother. I laughed and told him right back at ya big brother. I tried to pull over and get a picture of the cloud but by the time I found a spot the cloud was already breaking up. When I told the story of my sighting everyone agreed it was a sign from Mike.


Unknown said...

What a magnificent tree, yes perhaps they give us small signs here and there ;-)

bichonpawz said...

I agree with you Ann! I absolutely believe they send us signs!! My brother would send me a sign like that too! :)

Duni said...

I believe in those signs too! I'm so glad you saw it ((hugs))

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I too believe in those signs, Ann and am sure it was from Mike even though I didn't know him....after all, he was your brother!!!...:)JP

Lin said...

Oh, wow! That's funny, sweet and very moving. Yep, I believe it was him sending you a message.

Those TV mediums, John Edwards and Teresa Caputo make me believe. Whether they are legit or not is another story, but they make me believe--which I think is a good thing. It's a wonderful feeling to know that our departed family and friends can still be with us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this tree is awesome, i love the bark and the lacy looking leaves and i also love looking up like you did. is this tree in your yard? to funny on the sign from your brother...

Donna said...

Yes, I believe that too! God bless you, sweetie.

Grace said...

Great tree, great photo, great story...And of course, I believe...Gotta love a Spirit with spirit

Sharkbytes said...

Glad you saw something that gave you a smile and a good memory.

Jeanette said...

I saw a cloud that looked just like that a few years ago. I'm wondering now who may have been sending me a message!

Sandee said...

I believe this was him too. Good for him to send that message to you.

Have a blessed day. Big hug to you and my very best to my pal Duke. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

A friend said he would return as a Blue Jay and I have liked them better ever since. had a family in one of my trees in the yard that has been fun to watch.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, perhaps it means that everything is alright, and for you to be at peace. Do you have any other siblings? Such an awful sad time for you. Again, I am so very sorry, Ann. I wish I could come through the screen and give you a big hug.

Donna said...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Your story about seeing a sign from your brother made me think of going to the funeral of my best friend, Susan. Susan died from cancer --and she told me once that she'd be sitting up there on that pink cloud watching me...

Anyhow---there was a huge window pointing toward the sky at the funeral home where we sat listening to Susan's eulogy. While sitting there and listening to a gorgeous song being sung, guess what I saw out of that window? YES, it was a big pink cloud floating by... Made me cry and cry and cry... I still miss Susan.


Helen said...

I do believe that although our love ones leave us physically but their spirit remain with us and watching over us.

BeadedTail said...

I believe there's signs but never imagined it would be one like that! Glad you saw it and bet your brother had a chuckle when you realized what it was! (((hugs)))

Unknown said...

"Tis good to laugh.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

So sorry to learn about your brothers passing. I do believe in heavenly signs - thanks for sharing your personal story ... Katie

Sheryl Hastings said...

I gotta agree with you! Sometimes it seems like there is no other explanation.

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