Monday, June 9, 2014

You can teach an old dog new tricks

In all the years that I've been sewing I have always had a fear of button holes. My sewing machine had a button hole attachment that I swear had big fangs and threatened to bite me if I got too close to it. When I was making clothes for my daughter back when she was just a little tyke, I would substitute snaps or velcro for buttons.
Fast forward several decades and I bit the bullet and attempted to learn how to make a button hole. I got out the owner's manual, read how to use the button hole foot and holy smokes I can't believe it was that easy.

So what is this you ask?

Well instead of my iron looking like this

I followed a tutorial for a cord cuff and now it looks like this


Ginny Hartzler said...

Brilliant! And so pretty! AND a great way to practice your buttonholes, too!

Duni said...

Good idea! I should probably make one for my cord as well :)
Btw, I'm not too fond of button holes.

bichonpawz said...

Awesome Ann!! Now, the good thing is that you actually OWN a sewing machine...which I don't. I do not suppose I will ever learn how to make a button hole! :) Your cord collar is cute!!

Out on the prairie said...

What a unique craft. Of course sewing on a button is a sewing feat for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now this is a craft i love.. what a great idea... OR i could use the TP roll that you decorated and do the same thing... this is way cool... glad you conquer your button hole fear...

Sandee said...

What a brilliant idea for that cord. Brilliant.

I can't even sew so doing button holes is totally out of the question.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Only you would make a cord cuff - I use rubber bands to contain wires and cords LOL (I know I have an iron somewhere, probably it's in the storage unit, I know it's still in it's box - never used.)

BeadedTail said...

I don't even have an iron but if I did, I'd want one of those! Glad the button hole attachment didn't bite you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Perfect for all kinds of cords... I am a lefty --and can kink up cords (hoses, etc.) like you cannot imagine... Hubby just rolls his eyes. If anyone can make a big mess with a cord, just ask a "leftie".... ha ha

We are gradually going wireless with our computers/printers, etc.--but STILL have OODLES of cords under our desks. What a mess. We need something like you made to gather up the extras cord... Great idea, Ann.

jp@A Green Ridge said...


Donna said...

I avoid buttonholes too, though my machine is supposed to make it easy. Great job on the project and you earn a badge for bravery.

DebbieM said...

Really good idea, Ann. You are so crafty. I just sent you an email and iust have an old email. Can you send me an email. Its about the festival.

Antonella said...

You are so brave, a cuff and button holes, oh my!!! Great job my friend!
Hugs, Antonella :-)

Catherine said...

Well now - isn't that ingenious!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

When I asked Arlynda what an iron was for, she showed me (with great enthusiasm, I might add). If it leaves a scar, I am naming it after you!

Unknown said...

When I asked Arlynda what an iron was for, she showed me (with great enthusiasm, I might add). If it leaves a scar, I am naming it after you!

Sheryl Hastings said...

You are on a roll! The needle book above is cute but this is brilliant! I need to make one.

Dee said...


Reeni said...

Cute! I hate irons! Mine is always falling off the shelf because of the plug hanging down!

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