Saturday, June 21, 2014

The truth

Thursday morning I said I would be back tomorrow with a post. Friday I woke up and it wasn't tomorrow yet so I didn't post. It's still not tomorrow but I'll come back any way.

The plain and simple truth about me is that no matter how much I want to be neat and organized and have it all together I just can't seem to get it right. I do well at work but I come home and all I want to do is play.

I keep a little note pad on my desk to jot down ideas. Before you know it I have notes all over the place and then I end up losing half of them. Or I look at them and wonder what the heck I wrote/drew that for.

This is 1/2 of the most recent collection of notes I cleaned off my desk

Ok so this is a bit lame but it is a post. It's officially summer now so although I may do better and taking pictures I'm having a hard time getting them on to the computer and getting them ready to post to the blog.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it DOES interest me! I have notepads all over my table, but I tend to write something, and not what it means! And Phil writes important phone numbers, but not who they belong to!

Duni said...

Your notes look much nicer and cuter than mine :)
happy weekend!

bichonpawz said...

I think we all have the same problem Ann! At least your notes are cute! And YES...this does count as a post! Happy Weekend!

Jille said...

We have so much in common Ann! Have a lovely weekend x

Connie said...

Hi Ann, I have little notes and drawings all over, too. During this move I have been discovering them everywhere . . . I also have a bad habit of writing down phone numbers and not putting a name on them (who's that, right).
Isn't it great to say, "it's summer-time", or what I like to call it, "watermelon season".
Have a lovely weekend.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

crafty cat corner said...

So glad I'm not the only one who keeps making lots of notes, If I accomplish all the ideas I write down I'll be 150 years old. lol

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE the self portrait you sketched!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the truth is... you love to doodle, you are good at it, i love the frog, and you have a talent for drawing.. just enjoy your doodles and keep on being who you are, the one we love.

Hootin Anni said...

You say :Donald Duck: I say....

...MICKEY Mouse!!! [roflmao] or in other words...rollin' on floor laughing my tail off ---roflmto

Out on the prairie said...

I keep a pad next to me and find it amusing to try and decipher my thoughts if I don't use it soon.

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Lin said...

Is that a frog project I see on the horizon??? ;)

Sandee said...

I don't want to talk about neat. I used to be Miss Neat, but after some years went by I asked myself why. Tons of pressure being neat and organized.

Have a fabulous weekend. My best to Duke. :)

Grace said...

I like the froggy one - I hope you 'do' that one...

Chatty Crone said...

You know PLAYING is an important part of living girl! TRUST ME!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann, I think you think too much!!! Stop feeling is all for fun...:)JP

Sheryl Hastings said...

Love the little notes. I do the same thing. I finally decided to put names with phone numbers. For years I would find phone numbers, and had no idea who they were for.

Like your little frog.

Unknown said...

Hey, I always have my "stuff" together, but I don't always remember where it is piled. Double sigh and a groan.

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