Wednesday, July 16, 2014

He'll never miss that t-shirt

I've seen lots of projects made using t-shirt yarn and I've been wanting to give it a try. You need to start with a t-shirt that doesn't have seems in the side and then you cut it so that it ends up in one long strip and you can crochet with it.

I got one of Wade's t-shirts (with his permission) No seriously I asked him and he even picked one out that I could cut up.

I didn't really make anything with it but I did crochet a circle. I used a large hook and the ball of yarn didn't go as far as I thought it would.

I do believe I would like to do more of this though. I'm thinking that a thrift shop with super cheap XL t-shirts might be the way to go.


Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, I see what you did! And you know, you could use something worn out but with sentimental value, and get a new use from it!

Grace said...

How can a t-shirt not have seams in the sides? I can't even imagine how this is done...

Tanya. said...

This could make some seriously interesting patterns...if you only find plain t-shirts you could always tye dye them before cutting them up to give different effects!!

MadSnapper n Beau said... i have to go look at Bob's tshirt to see if there are any that don't have seams.. not because I will do this but because i thought they ALL had seams. you could use tie died shirts and make it colorful.. see i am full of ideas for you to do

Donna said...

Well that's neat...!!

Out on the prairie said...

put out the word with friends and you may be surprised what comes to you for free.

Sandee said...

I had a couple of gals try to teach me to crochet. It wasn't pretty and I never figured it out. Just not crafty.

Have a fabulous day Ann. My very best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

Hi Ann, I have done this in the past . . . the size you made does work wonderfully well for a hot pad :)
Have a great week.
Connie :)

Sharkbytes said...

I've made some door mats this way. Good way to get one more use out of the fabric.

BeadedTail said...

I'm wearing a t-shirt with no seams and had no idea that t-shirts didn't have seams! If I didn't know that, there's no way I can understand how you cut it up and turned a t-shirt into what you did! It boggles my mind!

Unknown said...

Yep, women have been taking the shirts right off the backs of hard-working men since the beginning of shirts!

Antonella said...

Oh my - you are brave, but I could see this becoming something that you play with... maybe tie die it first?
Hugs, Antonella :-)

Reeni said...

What a great idea! It kind of looks like one of those old-fashioned braid rugs.

bichonpawz said...

Very Cool Ann! Looks great!

Hootin Anni said...

What a concept. T-shirts. I would've never dreamed this in a million years.

What, pray tell, would you make with it...maybe coasters? Or hot pads? I'm curious now.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---I would never have guessed that that was made from a t-shirt... Love it... You just keep learning more and more and getting more and more talented!!!!!!


Duni said...

I've always wanted to try that! That looks great :)

Marg said...

That is terrific Ann. I have never learned to crochet. It looks like fun. You have a good evening.

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