Sunday, July 20, 2014

Oh heck, why not

I was going to skip yet another day of posting but as I'm sitting here on my butt doing nothing this morning I said "Oh heck, why not. Pull something out of the folder and slap it on up there for the world to see" So that's what I'm doing.

Today is the last day of my 4 day weekend. I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I wanted to while I've been off but it was nice not having to go to work. Tomorrow I'll drag myself out of bed and force myself back in to the daily grind. SIGH

Yesterday it rained all day long. We did some shopping in the morning and then a whole lot of lazing around the house for the rest of the day. I did manage to get some craft projects completed and some others started.

So now it's time for me to get my act together and get moving. There are things to do and I've procrastinated enough for one day. Or maybe I haven't.


Marg said...

Well we are glad you posted this. Is that a dove??? I think it is. They are so pretty. Hope you have a great Sunday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Dance you posted this sweet little dove. I love the sound they make and they are so sweet and gentle and just a tad dumb. sorry your mini vacation is almost over.. have fun the rest of the day. that is and ORDER.. no housework, no work allowed..

Hootin Anni said...

Lazing around the house has been my cup of tea the last two weeks....I can understand you enjoying it since you work outside the home...but oh, it's ever so boring for me 'bout now.

Enjoy the time off you still have. And I ENJOYED the dove images.

Grace said...

Procrastination is my middle name - sometimes even my first much as I like b/w photos I think the color works better here...Enjoy your Sunday and don't work too hard!

Anonymous said...

Do you chase birds, Duke?? Or are you nice to them?

crafty cat corner said...

There's nothing like lazing around the house except crafters always fell guilty don't they?

Sandee said...

There's nothing like a four day weekend. Just enjoy it. You'll get things done when you get them done. Enjoy that four day weekend.

Have a terrific Sunday. My very best to Duke. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Four day weekends are supposed to be lazy and relaxing. That's why work is called work since that's what you do on your non-off time! Enjoy watching the birds, napping with Duke or whatever else your heart desires!

Unknown said...

You usually accomplish more in a day than we do in a month, and if I was a much better person, I would be really impressed.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi there, We had two days of rain and dreariness (FRi/Sat) here --but we need the rain SO much.. SO--no complaints!!!!

Today was gorgeous --but much warmer... It's been so cool here this past week and weekend that today was the first day I've had my long sleeve shirt off... ha.. (Summer is coming back --darn it.)

Relax and enjoy the rest of your 'days off'...

Lin said...

You are okay with doing nothing. I took the entire week off of the computer and thoroughly enjoyed it. I may start to do that more often!

bichonpawz said...

Glad you got some crafting done Ann! I enjoyed the pretty Dove too...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good thing you got some rest...we have been so busy and I am sooooo pooped I don't even want to go to the gym today...but I will...:)JP

Sharkbytes said...

That dove also looks like it's wondering what on earth to do next, too

Duni said...

It rained a bit last night here as well. But today it's back to very hot temps! That bird photo is great! Love it in B/W too :)

Unknown said...

There you go :) like your picture. Very hot and humid over here, but love it. Since the rest of the Year is quite wet and dark

Marie said...

Pretty dove!

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