Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Starting over. Page 1

It seems like everything I'm blogging about lately is ancient history. I'm so far behind with everything. I've let pictures sit in folder for an eternity before getting them ready to post.

Any way, the art journal I was doing is history. Yep, that's right, I'm done with it and I'm starting over. Thanks to the generosity of a wonderful blogger I know I have 2 brand new actual sketch books and a set of brush markers. I started over with my art journal and today I have page one for your viewing pleasure.

Thanks Grace.

I hope that today you all do more of what makes you happy


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well first, what are brush markers? What a generous and thoughtful blogging friend! Now I can't wait to see what you do with them!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Your talent and creativity are never ending so you could do a complete series of journals!!!!...:)JP

Tanya. said...

This is a great motto Ann. Everyone should take note of it!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

me to on Ginny's question. what are brush markers.. we need pics and description please.. the book is off to a great start. i sat here looking at it thinking how i could duplicate it in PicMonkey or photoshop... i can copy but not create art

Grace said...

I love the colors - and aren't the brush markers so fun - I loved them when I use to do 'art' work....

Grace said...

Whoops - it was watercolor pens that I used to use - I thought the brush markers were the same thing - shows why I don't do art any more...

BeadedTail said...

I love that saying! It helps being reminded of that today, the 15th, as I didn't get a paycheck for the first time in 16 years! Well, I sorta did but all of it went to 401k so nothing made it to my bank account. *breathe* Anyway, lovely gift from Grace!

Sandee said...

I love that message and it's spot on. We often do all the things we don't like and nothing that we do. Love it.

Have a fabulous day. My very best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Donna said...

Coffee...coffee makes me happy...and books...lots and lots of books..!
Like the design!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous, Ann... Aren't blog friends just so special? I have so many very special friends who mean so much to me.

I've been so busy lately --and it's driving me crazy.. Need to prioritize and do a better job with my time. Oh Well--tis life.

Marg said...

Oh I like that and I really really like the idea. Think I will try to do that. Read and sleep and eat more. Take care.

Dee said...

It is better to start over than quit.I need to finish some things and then start over. I can relate to photo's sitting in folders getting ready to publish...that is why I usually have so man photo's on my blog :) I like the brush markers and need to get me some for when I start my new journal. :)

Marie said...

love it! and I will, I am! :)

Unknown said...

That's a very nice gift. I am working away with my art journal and always bring it with me to work. I use it as an idea book as well, when new ideas pops up for new paintings and such. It's good to start all over at times when you get stuck. Good luck!!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Love this one. You have combined my two favorite colors that I like to use together. Looks great!

Sharkbytes said...

I like that! How did you get the gold sunbursts?

Unknown said...

I'm not real sure if it is legal.

Duni said...

So beautiful! And I love that quote :)

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