Sunday, December 20, 2015


We got dumped on. It started snowing last night and kept on going.

It might not look like much in this picture but it's more than enough for me. I don't know exactly how much we got but when I walked to the shed to get the snow shovels it was up over the top of my boots. I skipped my normal Wal-Mart shopping trip and did my impression of a vegetable

It occurred to me too late that I didn't post my index card of the day on Friday so I'll give you that one today and since I don't have the picture ready yet for the one that will go up today, you'll see that one tomorrow


Rick (Ratty) said...

This is maybe the first big snowstorm this year that missed me. I thought maybe I was paying this year for the light snow winters of the past few.

Duni said...

Snow?! I hope we don't get any...
Happy Sunday!

bichonpawz said...

Wow! I didn't realize you guys were going to be getting snow! I know up North of here they received a LOT of it. I, like you, can totally do without it! If it would just flurry a bit for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and then totally disappear...I'd be happy! Cute card today Ann!

Tabor said...

Thanks for your visit. I love new bloggers and love the opportunity to read new blogs. So, I will be back here again!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot of snow at one time.. sorry you had to shovel snow. i would have forgotten to post to...

Donna said...

Oh nooo....Poor Gibbs!!Hahaaa
Stay warm girlfriend!

Out on the prairie said...

Not a flake here, nice to see some.getting ready to shop for a few things, moving to the burbs for winter.

handmade by amalia said...

A white Christmas AND a gingerbread joke - a great post.

Grace said...

Ouch! to the snow and the adorable card...

Sandee said...

Looks like you might have a white Christmas after all. I know you're not a fan of snow. I can relate.

Love the index card.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marg said...

Oh no, not snow. That is one terrific card. Well done. Hope the snow goes away really soon. Have a good week.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh how I loathe snow anymore. When I was a kid, I got all excited for it. But not now. Tho, I admit it's pretty from the chair in my room viewing it on the monitor!!

Cute, cute card once again.

Unknown said...

You can blame it upon the good folks back in Buffalo. For they were freaking out over there not being any snow yet, and they didn't care about collateral accumulation.

Reeni said...

I'll gladly take that snow from you! :) I'm having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit without it. All of your cards are CUTE and this is no exception! :)

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