Monday, December 28, 2015

Nothing to do

With Christmas falling on a Friday and Saturday being my day off, that gave me two days in a row with nothing to do. No, seriously, I had nothing to do. I know it was Christmas and it should have been a bustle of activity, but that's not how things roll around here.

So, like I was saying I had nothing to do but nap, watch tv and play on the computer. I doodled a girl on a notepad and scanned it.
The notepad had the banner on it, I just drew the girl.

Then for the fun of it I did some digital coloring

Hey I never claimed to be an artist. I'm just good at wasting time and playing.


bichonpawz said...

Hope you had a restful day! Cute girl!

Rick (Ratty) said...

You did a good job with the drawing. I can't do faces. I always mess up when I try to draw faces.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Such a cute face Ann...I cant draw faces!!

Out on the prairie said...

Nice to just play when you want, I do it all the time.

Lin said...

How gloriously wonderful to be BORED! I'm glad that you had a few days to just relax and do nothing. You certainly deserve it!

I'm usually good for 2 days like that, then I have to get moving again. Are you like that too?

Grace said...

You doodle good!

Unknown said...

That is actually quite good to me.

Connie said...

Time spent relaxing and enjoying life, is never time wasted :)
Have a happy day . . . I'm over the hump as far as my 12 day head and chest cold . . . starting to feel so much better :)
Thank you for your sweet and comforting comments and encouragement.
Connie :)

BeadedTail said...

That's quite a nice doodle! I love days with nothing to do except if I just look around, there's always something I should be doing and am ignoring it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish i coudl doodle and have it look like a girl, mine look like nothing. if it ever happens to you again, get a flashlight and shine it on things in the house and take their photos. he he he

Sandee said...

You did very well. I'm the queen of wasting time. I could give you a run for your money. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Christine said...

You drew me! A cartoon version that makes me look great! Yay!

Deb said...

So glad you had a restful Christmas Ann and were able to do what you love to do! Great doodle, carry on doodling my friend! Deb xo

Marie said...

you are an artist!! hope you and Gibbs had a wonderful Christmas!!

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

Ann, your doodle is wonderful!!! I LOVE her!! You'd make a great cartoon artist :)

Wishing you and yours a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Adorable sketch and how nice to have totally free time to do whatever you want!

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