Friday, February 5, 2016


Yep, I believe I had a peachy day yesterday but I'm not absolutely sure since it's all fuzzy. I suppose it could have been a ducky day because I did quack myself up a time or two.

Are you all done groaning yet? And Jerry enough of the booing and hissing :)

A week or so ago, I'm not exactly sure when since the days all blend together anymore, I happened to look out the back door. The lights were on the back of the doctors office behind us and I liked the shadows on the snow. Of course the picture is kind of crap because I took it with the cell phone but you get the idea

A couple more index cards to try and catch up a little bit. I realized after posting yesterday's picture that I had already shown one of those cards. Sorry about the repeat.
Not much to say about the card on the left. It was a combination of paint and ink. The one on the right I pulled out the sewing machine and did some sewing on paper. I stitched different pieces of paper together and then glued them to the card.


Duni said...

The cards have a lovely vintage-y look! I love these! I also love sewing on paper :) Happy Friday, Ann!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my can sew paper too? I've never heard of this technique. If I tried it it'd probably jam the machine. Your talents never cease to amaze me.

As for the lights/shadows/snow in the Drs' yard...that is awesome. Really.

I'm all be-fuzzled on what a peachy day is. What a quacky sense of humor. I like it, of course.

Out on the prairie said...

love the cards, they always cheer me up.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like the look of sewing on paper. and i loved the groaning jokes, so stop that hissing Jerry.. i love corny jokes.. truly do

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I LIKE that shot of the shadows...nice!...:)JP

Jeanette said...

I do love the cards! They are such clever sayings and so true in many circumstances! Come visit me, I am doing a Photo February, which is something I just made up in order to force myself to post more often!

Grace said...

I cannot even conceive of sewing paper...

Donna said...

The cards are great but the snow...not so great!
Poor you Girl!!!
Stay warm up there!

Unknown said...

Your night-time pic is really cool. Now, in regards to enough booing and hissing, as long as you keep insisting upon quacking yourself up, there is never enough. So, BOO! HISS!

Christine said...

They are both sweet but I love the stitched card!

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

Thanks for the chuckle ;)

Your cards look great!

Sandee said...

No groaning here.

I love your index cards. I love your snarky sense of humor too.

Have a purrfect day. Big hug to you and my very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Ay yi yi! But, you did make me chuckle!

Deb said...

Great snowy pic and love the new index cards, I can especially relate to the one on the left :OD Deb xo

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