Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thanks to Anni

While visiting Hootin'Anni's blog the other day, I followed a link she gave for Photo Funia. I did a little playing around and thanks to Anni, have a picture for a blog post

I believe this was a watercolor effect

And of course I have another index card

This one is pretty true. I used to be bothered by someone not liking me but then I realized that I don't like everyone so why should everyone like me. 


Hootin Anni said...

I am with you on this....I don't care what people think of me. I'm sure most don't like me, but that's okay. I KNOW I am perfect. [roflmao]

LOVE what you did with Gibbs' photo! That is priceless. Gotta love that doll face.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i played for an hour on that site after leaving Anni's post. i did not do the watercolor but played with all the things i could pop Jake into... love your watercolor and the saying is one i agree with and also now that you say it, i don't like everybody and now that is in perspective

Unknown said...

Gibbs would make a perfect poster-pup for bacon-deprived pets.

Grace said...

Oh I like that card. I shall be sad when you use up your stock of green paint! And if you want a list of free photo (fun) editing programs, let me know I have a a huge list.

Sandee said...

Gibbs is so adorable. I love the edit.

I always say, My opinion of you is none of your business. That goes both ways too. I don't care either. There are some people you just can't like. There are a couple in our yacht club that drive me up a wall. I avoid them often.

Just so you know...I like you a lot.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches for Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

Way to go Gibbs. said...

They're both great cards and I love the phrase on the second one. And I used to worry about whether people liked me, until I realized that most people are mirroring others and worrying about the same thing.

Great post Ann!

Ida said...

Gibbs looks very cute. - has a watercolor feature in their editing program you might check out.

Funny & true index card.

Deb said...

LOL, great index card and words to live by! Love the effect on Gibbs' picture, will have to check that site out. Deb xo

Marie said...

Gibbs is adorable! Love what you did with his pic!
At one time I did care about everyone liking me, especially when my son was younger, but now I don't care and don't take it personal :) you have the best cards!!

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