Saturday, May 21, 2016

Guess what I did

Yesterday I left work a little early and went here. Can you guess where this is and why I was there?

I had a little disagreement with a box cutter. The cut was pretty deep and it bled like crazy but I didn't need stitches. They did tell me to take the rest of the day off though. 
 And to wear this splint through the weekend.
Do you know how hard it is to type with a splint on your index finger? I made so many mistakes that it took me forever to type anything so I'm giving up after I finish this post. I'll be back to commenting after the splint comes off


Christine said...

Ouch! Box cutters don't play fair!
Hope you feel ok!

Hootin Anni said...

I did that once with a kitchen knife....but I needed stitches. You got the day off...I on the other hand, went back to work. Now, I'm jealous...guess I should've told my boss that I was to take the rest of the day off too.

Oh, and I make mistakes when I type too...with all my digits 'workable'. LOL

You can still visit us. Just don't'll miss our special anniversary blog post if you don't stop by.

BEWARE: Box cutters are lethal.

bichonpawz said...

Oh yeah...those things can be dangerous! Hurt like HE**!

I did that once with a food processor blade...that I forgot was in my sink while doing dishes...I will not forget again!!

Hope you feel better Ann!

Marg said...

Oh no Ann. So sorry. I bet that does hurt a lot.But glad you got the day off. Guess they didn't want you bleeding all over food. Enjoy your time off.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh noooo.. glad there were no stitches but i know it will be sore for a few days. and now i am happy if that happens to me i can talk my comments. i just did my morning emails and facebook by talking my comments. it is a little harder to talk on blogs. to many steps to get there... you must have typed this one handed like Bob. he uses his right pointer finger.

peggy said...

That wasn't good. But the good side is you can enjoy your new books for a couple of days.

Grace said...

Ay-Yi-Yi-Yi! That hurts!

BeadedTail said...

Owie! Not good at all especially when I need to finish my crafty stuff with an x-acto knife and now I'm scared to!

PeeS: Is it bad that I looked at the first pic before reading anything and thought you were at the vet with Gibbs preparing for bit removal so you could get a kitty?

Sandee said...

Yikes, that had to hurt after a bit. You'll not be working until that comes off right? I hope not.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and my very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Donna said...

Ouch!!! I despise box cutters or anything with a razor type blade. I hope you heal up quickly!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh no! I am so sorry! Can you shower or bathe? Does it hurt? You are certainly to be commended for finishing this post! Don't answer any of these questions till it's off! Sending love.

Tanya. said...

I thught it looked like some medical supplies in the picture Ann, hope your finger soon heals and you can get back to typing and posting again soon.x

Connie said...

You poor girl . . . take care of it and give it time to heal.
I success a good book and a Downton Abbey marathon :)

Out on the prairie said...

Ouch! Hope you heal and watch out for dangerous objects

Lin said...

Aw gees. You gotta be careful! Take good care of yourself and make sure you heal properly. Be good to yourself.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Oh boy, I'm so sorry to read about your accident. Hope you can get rid of that splint sooner rather than later! Take good care,Katie

Debra Dickinson said...

Owie! I'm glad you're going to be okay and didn't need stitches. I hope you had an easy weekend full of self care. Best wishes for fast healing.

Duni said...

Oh! Sorry that happened. Cuts on the finger always bleed terribly. I hope it heals soon, so that you can type again!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Hope it feels better soon. On the bright side, I use my little microphone thingy all the time on my tablet (it has a way I can do that, don't know if they all do), cellphone, and sometimes my laptop so I can talk instead of type. Give it a try. By the time your finger is back to normal, you may want to talk from now on instead of typing.

Marie said...

ouch!! hope it heals quickly!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh no! I am a little late reading this and hope you are feeling so much better!

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