Thursday, October 6, 2016

I don't get this

Several weeks ago I was in a store that had tons of Halloween and Christmas decorations out. I was walking through looking at their display of Christmas trees and these two I just don't see the appeal.

Not only would I never even consider putting this up for my Christmas tree I never in a million years would pay that kind of money for it.

This one while, even though I still consider it just as ridiculous as the first one at least the price isn't quite as bad
So would any of you ever put one of these up for your Christmas tree?


Dr Sonia S V said...

Hehe what a funny looking tree Ann and I agree with you!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

NO to both of these, but if someone held a gun on me and said pick one it would be the white one. maybe this is for rich people to show their jewels on, just think of a big diamond necklace on that ugly green neck...since every thing I don't like becomes an instant hit, this probably will. I have not seen any thing in the stores because I don't go to them, but I might just wander... Walmart has the same thing they have had for the past 20 years

Christine said...

I noticed these on Pinterest last year and thought it was only something shops used for a kind of alternative Christmas display but there's no chance I'd use one or pay that kind of money for one. Not my style.

Grace said...

I don't do Christmas or Christmas trees or decorations of any kind - that said...I expect a person with a certain sensibility or lifestyle would like something along these lines. The first one, the more expensive one, is the nicer of the two. The cheaper one looks, well, cheap!

Sandee said...

We used to decorate to the moon and back. I would never put either one of these trees up. Yikes. That's just plain...well stupid.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

I've never seen these kind before. I think they might be something a clothing boutique would put in the window?

Marie said...

No way would I buy one of these! I've never seen anything like them and I don't understand what it's suppose to be or represent....very strange! lol
Almost Friday and the weather here is so nice, but my parents are in Orlando preparing for the hurricane. :( I so wish they had already moved here!

Jeanette said...

I do not like those at all!

BeadedTail said...

Nope, I would never have a tree like those! So not my style at all!

Hootin Anni said...

Not on your life! Weird.

Hootin Anni said...

Not on your life! Weird.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hmmmm, I have never seen these!! I would NOT put one up. But it might be fun at someone's party. Very interesting!

Donna said...

They want Christ OUT of Christmas... I would Never put up some garbage like that. And yes I know about trees and Santas but it's also about the spirit of those things... A dress just says Macy's.

Deb said...

Umm, no! Traditionalist here, I never got the upside down hang it from the ceiling tree idea either 😞Deb xo

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