Wednesday, October 19, 2016

While I was walking

Monday morning the skies were quite cloudy and while it looked like there was a threat of rain it wasn't raining at the time. I decided to put on my walking shoes and head out the door. I had my cell phone with me and while I walked I snapped pictures of either Halloween decorations or just whatever fall  beauty caught my eye.

As I walked I also did some quick edits on the phone with some of those pictures.

The first one I posted the after on facebook yesterday. Here, I'm going to show you both the before and after shots.



As I walked by this house they had the fence at the top of their driveway decorated so pretty and the puddle in the driveway gave me a bit of a reflection too.



Not sure what caught my eye here. It may have been the clouds, the fall leaves or even the tower.



Good thing I didn't trip over any uneven sidewalks while I was editing these.


Out on the prairie said...

Like the mum shot, they really decorated nicely

Anonymous said...

You are TOO good, Ann!...:)JP

bichonpawz said...

Editing makes a world of difference in these Ann!! Isn't it great to be able to do quick editing on our phones! I love the colors and the fall decorations!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

instead of flying while hexing, you were editing while walking.. could be dangerous... the edit brings out the details that we can't see. the camera sees it though. you should put prisma on phone if you have room. but then what about using up your data? I like the last edit best of all

Duni said...

Those edits are great! I especially like the first one, the colors really pop!

Sandee said...

Way cool edits. Especially on the first photograph.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

I'm not too sure I like the fence edit but the other two were necessary. All the photos look kinda old-timey...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your edits are stunning! I think you could make anything look gorgeous. I love the puddle reflection too.

Reeni said...

Those are pretty to begin with but the afters are really stunning. I'm in LOVE with the first one.

Christine said...

Great before and after edits. Full of fall colour!

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