Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Did it again

I plugged my fitbit in to charge on Monday night and forgot it again. All day Tuesday all those steps that weren't counted. It really does seem a shame. Lucky for me the lawn needed mowed so when I got home, right after I put my fitbit back on my wrist, I went out and logged some steps.

Gibbs says that he just can't even look at my right now, he thinks I'm that pitiful


Anonymous said...

So frustrating not to count all your steps! Theo almost always turns his head when I'm aiming the camera at him!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you need an alarm.. I use my kitchen timer to remind me, set it when you plug it in, for an hour or what it usually takes.. I forget everything I plug in unless I set the timer

Duni said...

Hello Gibbs!! Leo always turns away when I try to take a photo. Today was just lucky :)

Sandee said...

You've been forgetting your fitbit too often of late. You have other things on your mind. They aren't wasted steps though. I'm just saying.

Gibbs is a most handsome man dog. He really is.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Do the Fitbit enforcers know about these lapses? Always nice to see Gibbs...

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is hard to remember to unplug charging stuff! Fortunately, I can plug mine in where I see it all the time. They may be uncounted, but they are not wasted!

Out on the prairie said...

Put it on Gibbs and catch up fast.LOL

BeadedTail said...

Hahaha, I think Gibbs thinks you're nuts!

Lin said...

I have a clip-on version and it waits for me on the bathroom counter every morning. Remembering to use it is half of the battle. well...maybe more than half.

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