Sunday, August 13, 2017

I finished it

Yesterday after I got done with my weekly grocery shopping I headed to the craft room to work on that plaque I said I was going to make.

Now I know most of you will look at this and think "why did she use such dark colors" My reason was because I asked her brother what her favorite color was. He said it changes all the time but right now her room is dark gray and burgundy.

I think I would have liked it a little lighter and brighter but this is what I got and this is what she'll get. I don't think it turned out too bad.

I was too chicken to do the writing right on the wood so I cheated and wrote it out on tissue paper then glued the words on.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Very lovely! Your cat post on Facebook has made me so happy! I re-posted it, and must have played it over a dozen times. It will be my go-to video when I am down.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am betting she will love it. and I do wish I could write/print like you do. my printing is bad but my cursive is unreadable.. your artist ability shows in your letters

Andrea said...

I love it!! Just the right colors too!! xoxo

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

It looks great! Well done on the lettering too. Gray is a popular color. So nice you got both your project and grocery shopping done :)

Grace said...

A few daubs of yellow might brighten it a bit but well done in any case.

Sandee said...

She will love it. How thoughtful of you to zero in on one of her favorite sayings.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Katie Sews said...

I like the dark colors and will have to look for and try that popcorn!

Have a good one - K

Pam said...

Looks great...another way to do that is to use stickers. Write out what you want it to say, paint over it and let it dry a bit, not all the way. Then you take the stickers off. My handwriting is horrible so this way is the best way for me to do things.

Hootin Anni said...

I like it!!

Reeni said...

I love it and bet she will too!!

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