Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tis the season

But not the one to be jolly.

This season is for headaches, coughing and runny noses. Oh and little blue pills.

Getting old really stinks. When I was young I never had a problem with sinuses and allergies.

Pardon me while I go blow my nose


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your allergies are summer, or all year round? I take three allergy medicines each day all year round. I'm still trying to remember if I had allergies as a child! I don't think so.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH NO! I hope you don't have what Bob and I have had for a week now, starts like allergies but is not, very contagious sinus crud, going around all over the US... I am with you, it was rare for me to catch anything,

Out on the prairie said...

You would think I would have other hobbies other than being outdoors with all my sniffles

Grace said...

Is late Summer an allergy season? Thankfully I have none - my head gets achey when a storm is coming in, but that's about it...

Pam said...

Oh no....feel better soon. Ragweed and other weeds are blooming. I always say it is the season to be sneezing.

Marg said...

Allergies are no fun at all. Hope you can get them under control.

Sandee said...

I've been lucky not to have these issues. I know many that suffer through spring each year.

I hope you feel better soon.

Have a clearheaded day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

We are dealing with allergies more as we get older too. It sucks! Lately it's the wildfire smoke that reeks havoc on my eyes and throat. :(

crafty cat corner said...

Sandra over at madsnapper seems to be suffering the same thing, is it something in the air. We have just had a mysterious cloud bank along the coast that had everyone with stinging eyes and being sick. They still don't know what it was. Makes you think doesn't it.
Hope you feel better soon Anne

Tanya. said...

I've started taking honey for my allergies and it really works...are your allergies pollen related?? If so if you can find someone who has hive within 3 mile of your house and sells honey its worth a try Ann.

Reeni said...

I can sympathize! I have them too - it's awful having your nose run all day. I take Zyrtec.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Many people in my family suffer from seasonal allergies. I'm fortunate I'm not one of them. I hope it doesn't last very long for you.

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